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Honestee's POV

It's hard running three businesses, going to school and maintaining a family. O has not been hisself for over a month, so the girls and businesses have been left to me. I hired all our employees and with our families help we decided on a menu, the design and chefs. Today I have to do payroll, inventory and handle merchandise. I need a day of relaxation so after school instead of running straight to the offices I set up a spa date.

Zian and Nataleah went with me. We was there for an hour when I noticed I was hot, skin had red blotches, throat was itchy and eyes was burning. I was having an allergic reaction to the oils they had used on me and something I ate there. I took a shower and got dressed. I felt worse. My eyes shut swollen so Zian drove my truck. When we got to the hospital I kept trying to call O from the girls phones, to the hospital phone and got no answer.

I was released from the hospital six hours later after my swelling went down and I was ok to leave. I tried calling O a few more times but no answer. I didn't feel like I should be driving so Zian said she would stay the night with me. We dropped Nataleah off and went to get Zian clothes. Then we drove to my house. When we pulled up I seen the lights on in the house and all five of O's rides there. I got even more pissed off.

We walked in the house, I looked around the first floor didn't see him but the tv was on and his shoes was by the couch. I walked upstairs while Zian stayed in the kitchen. I walked into the girls room but they was empty. I walked up to our door and seen O laying on the bed with his phone in his hand texting. I walked in and walked straight to my closet. He jumped off the bed, slammed the door and walked my way.

O: Where the fuck you been? What fucking niggah you was with?

Me: I was in the hospital and you would of know if you would of answered your fucking phone O!

O: You was out being a hoe and then want to go to the hospital to cover your shit up!

Me: My band tells you what time I got there and my discharge papers tell you when I was released which was just twenty minutes ago! I'm not you I don't cheat.

O: If I did cheat it's because the bitch does what you don't so don't get it twisted!

Me: Why don't you go be with them and get the fuck out of my life for good then O!

O: I'm not going no fucking where and everything you got is because of me!

Me: Let go of me! You're hurting me O! You can have everything back! I'm done for good this time! I hate you and never want you back in my life! Take it all I will.....

Before I could finish what I was saying, O smacked me so hard I fell to the floor, my head was spinning, eye was burning, I seen a bright light and the right side of my face was burning. The tears fell down on their own. I got up and tried to walk to the bathroom but he grabbed my hair and swung me to the bed. I got up to run out the door but he grabbed me by the arm put his hand around my neck and squeezed while whispering in my ear.

O: You try to leave me you won't leave out of here alive. I'm going to show you about being a hoe!

He let me go, I fell to my knees trying to breath. He grabbed me up by my hair and I seen his fist forming but before he hit me I breathed out as loud as I can that I was pregnant. He looked me into my eyes and said what. I told him again while the tears poured down my face. He let me go and sat on the bed. I went into the bathroom to look at my face and to get away from him.

I was crying harder because he had promised to never hit me again and now I have a busted lip, swollen right eye and bruises swelling on my face. I was thinking where was Zian? I know she heard this. He then walked in the bathroom, rubbing his hand over his waves and looking down.

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