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Lucky's POV

Man life has truly been hard on me. I'm at the spot waiting on these niggahs to get here and doing inventory. I'm tired because I been doing everything I can to stay busy. I seen my sister a few days ago and I had to let her know that I cut ties with Xya and Krystal because I got caught up. It was like them hoes set me up tho. I was with Xya pounding her out, then Krystal walked in and started tripping.

The hoe hit me, talking shit. I put my clothes on and was ignoring the bitch when Xya started trying to talk shit. I left them hoes in the room together and bounced. They been trying to call and talk but I'm not in the mood for the headache. Today I am meeting up with my sis and her family at moms, so mom can talk to us. I pulled up to my moms and seen everyone's cars. I got out and walked in.

They was sitting in the kitchen and talking. I walked in kissed the ladies on their cheeks and grabbed me something to drink. We all sat down to have dinner. Small talk was being made the whole dinner. When we was done we all retreated to the living room. We all sat in the living room and my mom stood up to talk.

Mom: Ok family I gathered you here tonight because first I want to say thank you to Michelle for being there for me and blessing me with a wonderful daughter. Secondly, to my beautiful daughter, I have loved you since the first day you stepped foot in my home. You changed my baby into a wonderful man before we lost him. He loved you and wanted to give you the world. I'm sure he is smiling down on you and proud of you and all your blessings. You convinced my oldest son to go back to school and do better. For that I will forever be grateful. Thank you for being the baby girl I always wanted and for still being here. I love you baby. And to my hard headed baby I love you and I know I'm always hard on you but it is because I want nothing but the best for you. You have grown in these last few years and changed a lot just need to leave the streets alone baby but you know I will forever have your back. I love you so much. Now why I called you all here! I been sick for a while now and I been trying to hide as much as I can from you but right now is the time I let it all out on the table. I have been diagnosed with stage four cancer and with all the medications and treatments I am not getting better.

Me: Why the fuck you didn't tell me? I'm just suppose to be cool about losing my fucking mom!

Mom: Stop with the disrespect! I know you're upset but you still going to respect me!

Me: I can't believe you didn't tell me from the beginning! I need time alone!

Honestee: Brother wait! This is not what she needs! Right now no matter how hurt we are we still need to be there for her first! Let's not let her go through this alone no more. Don't walk out brother!

Honestee was right! So I stayed and she explained everything to us. She told us the doctor gave her no longer than a year. Now things are coming to an understanding for me and tee. She been wearing wigs for over eight months and kept telling us she just wanted a break from frying her own hair. We all cried together as she told us her next step. Tee and I stayed with her all night.

*******************Two Weeks Later*****************

Sitting here in the spot with Mac, Huey, Pablo, and Dro. I'm counting inventory and making sure the books are right, waiting on chip to get his ass here. Mookie had court and Chip told him to just relax this out until we can find the mole in our operations. It's been funny shit going on but we going to figure shit out tho. Chip walks up in the spot and we go over the books and inventory.

Right when we all get outside, dabbing each other bye. Shots started firing. We all pulled our burners. I'm busting and backing up to the house. I feel a little sting in my left arm, then in my stomach and I fall down because my right leg gave out. I hear the car screech off and my niggahs doing a roll call. I can't even bring myself to yell and say I got hit. I taste blood in my mouth. The last thing I seen was my niggahs trying to lift me before my eyes closed.

Huey's POV

Man fuck some niggahs just shot up the trap, hitting my niggah Lucky and Mac. Im in the back seat with Lucky head in my lap. He barely breathing but he won't open his eyes. All I can do is pray and have faith he going to pull threw. Chip got on the phone and called Tee so she could get his moms and meet us at the hospital. We speeding not giving a fuck right now.

We get to the hospital and they take them into surgery right away. Mac was hit in the arm, neck and side. I called his mom and she said she would be on the way. When Tee got here she ran straight to Chip and his mom went to talk to the nurse at the nurses station. After four hours of waiting and they moms praying, a man in a white coat came out and called for Lucky's family. We all stood.

He told us Lucky was in critical condition and had slipped into a coma. That he lost a lot of blood and in the middle of them giving him a blood transfusion he slipped into the coma. Right now was the time for us to pray and have faith he would pull threw. They said we could see him when they move him to ICU. His mom broke down and Mac's mom started praying.

After two hours, another doctor came out and told us about Mac was going to recover. That the bullet in the neck was threw and threw and didn't do no damage. His arm was the same and the one that hit his side did cause eternal bleeding but they caught it just in time but was going to keep him just to make sure everything was fine. After thirty minutes we went back to see him and let him know what was going on with Lucky.

****************A Week Later***************

Got up this morning and went to visit my niggah. He haven't woke up and his mom nor Tee has left his side. I took them breakfast and sat with them for a while. Mac was getting out the hospital today, so after sitting with them I went to take the niggah the duffle bag of clothes I had for him and waited with him until his discharge papers was signed. The moment he was able to go we returned to Lucky's room.

The niggah was up and talking but not that much. We called the fellas and they came up there to visit. He was clowning and talking shit after a while. The doctors came in and talked to him for a little, then they told us he seemed ok but let them run test and they will be able to let us know how much longer he would be staying. Visiting hours was up so we had to go except his moms.

When I left my niggah, I went home and jumped in the shower. I threw on grey Nike sweats with a white muscle shirt. I hopped in my Benz truck and went to go pick up Zian. She came out in some black shorts that showed her ass and a white tank top. She hopped in the car and on the way to the house we stopped to get Popeyes. We pulled up at the house and hopped out. I watched her ass while she walked up to my house.

When we got inside we went into the living room and sat down. I turned on "The Wedding Ringer" and we started to eat. When we was done, I got comfortable on the couch and she laid in my arms. When the movie went off I tried to put on another one but she had other plans. She grabbed my hands and walked me upstairs. I had to tell her which room to go to and when we got in there she closed the door behind me.

She pushed me down on the bed and got on top of me. She tried kissing me but I don't do that. Especially if I don't know where yo mouth been and you not my girl. She kissed on my neck, I lifted up so she could remove my top. She trailed down and pulled off my bottoms. She sucked my pipe in her mouth and I was enjoying watching it disappear so much that after like ten minutes I released all down her throat but she used her vacuum to wake him up again.

She stood up removed her clothes and I rolled over to get a condom out the nightstand. I slipped it on and she climbed up on top of me. She rode me like a porn star. I rolled us over to where I was on top, lifted her legs on to my shoulders and pounded her hard. I felt her release come and that made me go crazy, how she tightened up on it. I pushed her legs into the bed where her knees touched the mattress and planked in her hard until I released.

I laid on the bed and she tried to lay in my arms. I jumped up went and showered. Came out got dressed and asked her if she was ready to go. I took her home and went to pick up Nataleah from work. Came back to my house and we jumped in the shower together. I pounded her out up in there but didn't finish. Before she got out I had to hide the condom wrapper. She came out the bathroom and pushed me on to the bed.

She used her suction cup and did what she does best on my pipe. Before my release came I told her to ride me while I was putting in a condom. She did until her release came and mines came right after. We laid in bed together, watching tv until we fell asleep.

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