Guess who's back?

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Hi everyone, yes guess who's finally back? It's me haha. And because I entitled the chapter like this, this is going to be about WINNER.

It was the day after the general meeting and everyone was just lounging out the house late in the morning. Everyone obviously had a good night sleep the last night. Except for some of the people who might have had a heavy confrontation the other day.

Seungyoon, being the leader he is, he initiated the action of going to the recording studio first. They were all asked to prepare their songs in Japanese as they are going to perform in a lot of cities there. He was preparing the recording equipments when he noticed that no one actually followed him even after all those sign and body languages he did earlier with his members. He even texted them last night and this morning to show up.

<>The whereabouts of the other members

Jinwoo is still getting his beauty rest, he is one of the heavy sleepers in the group.

Seunghoon, was hanging out with the iKON kids playing some dodge ball out on the field. He might have not track the time as he was enjoying. And also, he's just trying to sabotage Bom by acting like he didnt mean to throw the ball at her while she was walking with 2ne1 off to the dance studio. He noticed Dara noona was kind of sad, while CL was smiling all the time.

Bom: Yahhhh! Lee Seunghoon! How dare you hit me with the ball!?

Seunghoon: 미안미안(Sorry sorry) *Haha I win!*

While Mino and Taehyun are out flirting with each other. (Just kidding!)


"Where are they?" Seungyoon, known for his nagging is starting to show symptoms of really being one. He tried to phone each members one by one and only Mino answered, luckily he was with Taehyun so they said they will immediately go to the studio.

While on their way to the studio, they found Hoon playing dodge ball with iKON who apparently have no practice because they already sinished and are now enjoying their short free time releasing stress.

Mino: Seunghoon! We have to --- Ouch!

The ball hit Mino and there, the two of them decided to join the game.

Seungyoon was getting anxious because it has been 10 minutes since he Mino said they were on their way. It was only a 2 minute walk. Jinwoo actually just arrived a couple minutes ago so both of them just decided to try recording with just the two of them.

That was until, they heard a noise, uh oh. Taehyun accidentally hit one of the plants and the pot broke. Seungyoon went out to check while Jinwoo kept on recording for time efficiency.

There he found his three lovely members smiling at him guiltily.

Bobby: Oh hyung! Want to join us?
Seungyoon: We actually have to do recording today, I'm just gonna have to drag down these monkeys to the studio. Let's go! Now! Sorry kimbap, maybe next time.

Seunghoon, Mino, Taehyun: Yes mom.

Seungyoon: What?

Taehyun: Nothing. Let's go hyung!

Hi readers! How many months has it been? I'm so sorry I haven't been updating. I had internship last summer, June and July and I just started my last year in college last August. I hope you understand!

Thank you to all my loyal readers! And hi to all my new readers, please do leave comments. :)

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