What Really Happened

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Both CL and Seungri are still now inaide the conference room, silent in their own seats, waiting for the other one to start the conversation.


Bigbang is busy in Japan with all their Dome Tour going on. They were always going back and forth to Korea and Japan. Even if they were able to go home to Korea, this time was spent to practice even more.

Seungri loves going back to Korea because there's always this someone special waiting for him, CL. She would bring him baked cookies and that melts away all the fatigue of Seungri. They would go on mini dates inside the YG headquarters knowing that anytime of the day Seungri has to go practice. This helped build up their relationship as a couple even though they're always apart from each other.

And now, Bigbang is back in Japan again. This will be the second to the last concert and Seungri's so happy knowing that after this, there will only be one more concert and he will be able to spend more time with CL.


The concert's done and everyone's having an after party. Seungri texted CL, saying how he misses her and how he can't wait to see her. He smiled and put back his phone in his pocket. Seungri never knew that there was this one girl keeping an eye on him.

"Hi there! Wanna dance?" A Japanese girl suddenly approached Seungri and gave him a glass of a cocktail drink. He accepted it, happy after reading CL's reply. He took a tiny little sip from the drink, and the girl smirked and dragged him to the dance floor. Seungri's head was already spinning when they reached the dance floor.

"Sorry, I have to go back. My head is spinning." He tried constructing his sentence so the girl will understand. He tried looking for his member's, but can see them with this many people in the bar. His world was swirling and last thing he saw was the girl in front of him.

Seungri woke up in his room, he checked his phone and saw lots of missed calls and messages from his members. There was one thing bothering him, a one missed call from CL. He tried calling her, but she was not picking up. He checked all his messages.

"Bro, where were you?" - Taeyang
"Hey we were looking for you, did you go home safely?" - GD
"Yah! You just suddenly went missing!" - TOP
"The hyung's were looking for you" - Daesung

There were lots of messages like those from his members. And...

"I really really loved you." - CL

This alerted him, because she was talking in past tense. He checked his sent items and saw that he messaged CL not too long ago. It was a photo of him and that Japanese girl naked in his room, and they were both smiling as the girl kissed his cheeks.

His hands were shaking as he tried to call CL again. She did't pick up. He tried calling 20 times more, but no.

He texted her, "let me explain, please answer the phone." He tried calling once more, she picked up just to say "I need some space". He can hear her crying from the other line just before she hung up. He does not know what to do anymore, so he contacted Jiyong.

End of Flashback

"I know you're really upset about what happened monfhs ago. You didn't give me the chance to explain, but I still gave you space. I did everything to prove to you that nothing happened. I checked every cameras out there that night and traced back everyrhing that happened. I did all I can to trace who that girl is." Seungri stopped and wiped CL's tears with his hands. He hugged her and continued.

"I met up with her days after that incident and had her explain everyrhing to me. She said she just got a dare from her friends, she gave me that cocktail with a solution to make me sleep. And took those photos of us naked, but I was toxicated that time Chaerin and she assured me that nothing happened. Nothing really happened. I would never do it. Never."

Seungri started crying too, he's not a crying type of person, but he did.

" I love you so much it hurts me everytime I see you so down, it hurts me to think that I can't go near you and comfort you. I love you so much that it really hurts. I don't know what to do anymore. I miss us. I love you. I hope you forgive me. I love you. I love you."

He was crying so hard now, but still kept on saying those words. He was still hugging her while both of their shirts were drenched with each other's tears.

CL started wiping his tears away, with a sense of understanding on her face. She kissed him on the cheeks, this made Seungri aware of her.

He said the words one more time and kissed her lips passionately. "I love you Lee Chaerin" She accepted the kiss and replied "I love you too Lee Seunghyun" and that started the stopped time for them.

Thank you to all my readers! I'd love to hear from all of you. This is one long chapter.

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