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The night came. It was the time Jeonghan finally met Seunghee’s parents. He never thought he’d be nervous. But upon facing the gate of her house, he was almost stuck where he was. But he had to ring that doorbell. So he did. And it was Seunghee who opened the gate for him.

She was all smiles at him but she could see his uneasiness. It was the first time she ever saw him like this.

"You scared of my parents?"

"I’m just nervous alright."

"You’ll be fine. Come in."

She held his hand and pulled him in. But his hands were a bit cold. She snickered at this.

"Stop laughing," he retorted.


When they reached the living room, her mom and dad were there. Jeonghan finally loosened himself. These are her parents. These are the people who brought her to this world. These are the people he should be thanking the most. He gave his polite greeting then.

"Anyounghaseyo, sir, ma’am. Yoon Jeonghan mida. Your daughter’s boyfriend."

Seunghee giggled at him. And her mom did the same silently. They were both relaxed except for her dad who scrutinized the boy in front of them.

"Sit down," her dad commanded.

"Ah, yes sir."

Seunghee sat beside Jeonghan. She was trying to calm him down. His stiffness was still present. Her dad took sometime scanning him. This boy… he thought.

"So what do you do for a living?" her dad started.

"Dad? We’re still in college remember?" Seunghee answered.

"Oh, yeah. Excuse me. Why don’t we have dinner first? I’m kinda hungry."

Really now? Jeonghan thought.

"Okay, Seunghee help me prepare the table," her mom asked her.

"Okay. Dad! Don’t you dare…"

She was reminding her dad. But it was already a good thing that he did not walk out the moment he saw Jeonghan, unlike when it was with Seungcheol. Maybe he is liking him, she thought.

Seunghee and her mom left the guys alone in the living room, though the dining room was just across the room. They could still see each other.

Her dad stared at Jeonghan for a while. This boy… he thought again.

Jeonghan was getting a bit distracted. Why does he just keep staring me? Please say something. He thought.

"Ah, is there any problem sir?"

"You’re the problem," Seunghee's dad began.

"I know that sir."

"Then why are you here?"

"That’s because… your daughter is everything to me. Even if I’m a threat to you, I will never be a threat to your daughter," Jeonghan firmly said.

"You’re someone very far from my expectations. I’m really disappointed."

"I may have disappointed you, but I will never disappoint Seunghee."

"I have never liked every guy Seunghee has brought here."

"But I will be different sir. I will make sure that you will come to like me."

It made him smirk. This boy… is the person who will take my daughter away from me, he thought. The moment he saw him, it dawned to him that he was different from the others. In some ways, his presence was peculiarly unpretentious. That instant he stepped inside the room, something bickered inside him whether to let him stay or not because he knew, the moment he let him in, he would surely lose her daughter. But now, it was okay. He would lose her daughter to someone he was at home with. And he knew his intuitions were almost right.

20 (Seventeen Jeonghan x CLC Seunghee) Ver. 2.0Where stories live. Discover now