If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?! (15) *WATTY AWARDS*

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When the twins left to go to their room down the hall I was actually thankful, it was nearing ten o’clock and we had school tomorrow again. Noah had went to shower and I was watching the moon glow next to the stars. It was hard to think of anything besides Amanda, and how I’m dooming her to a short life. Once Nate gets a hold of her she’ll be dead, they will have nothing for her to do. They will have no purpose for her besides get the money and kill her.

I think back to months ago, when they kidnapped me and how heartbreaking it was to watch my family mourn my assumed death. How horrible it made me feel when they called off the investigation, seeing my Mother bawl and knowing that she did that even when the cameras weren’t rolling. 

I remember back to my life before all this, and how I wasn’t exactly happy there either. I worked my butt off and gave all my money to my parents because without it I knew we would be worse off than we already were. My Mother worked at a factory separating car parts, and my Father hadn’t been able to return back to work due to health issues. For so long I neglected thinking about them, I didn’t want to know how my parents were, or were not getting by without me. But it seemed impossible now. It seemed impossible not thinking about them knowing how hard it must be for them to think of me as dead but not know for sure. To always question. Soon they would come to terms with that fact, if they hadn’t already, and I would be stuck here killing another girl before my own unquestionable death.

I didn’t know what cut deeper, knowing I would die once these people, these people that just hours before I was joking around with and eating happily with, were done with me or the fact my parents already believed I was dead. Tears came before I had any warning of them, warming my cheeks. 

I stared up at the moon, through the grimy window as tears poured down my face. I was nice to these people, or as civil as possible and they didn’t even like me back. They didn’t like me, they didn’t want to guard me for my own protection. The twins and Noah went to the school to make sure I couldn’t get away… did I think anything else? Did I think we were friends?

I heard the shower squeal signaling that Noah was getting out of the shower, and I rushed into the shared bedroom, climbing into bed to fake sleeping. Noah didn’t need to hear me cry, and I went as stiff as a board when light spread across the room, along with steam from the hot water. He flicked the light off, and crawling into bed carefully trying his hardest to not shake the bed.

I kept my eyes closed, willing the tears away but they still came down tickling my skin almost painfully because I couldn’t brush them away. If Noah caught me crying, he would only yell at me again and at the moment as I relived vivid images of my family and of the life I would never have again, being yelled at was the last thing I needed. Noah settled into bed, and I couldn’t risk opening my eyes to see which way he was sleeping fearing he could be facing me. The darkness in the room would shield my tears from his eyes, but I knew my voice would be uneven.

Suddenly, something brushed my hair back and I tried my hardest not to flinch away from the unexpected touch. My mind raced as I tried to figure out what he might be doing, but then I felt his hand run through the hair he could access. I felt warm breath dance across my forehead and without warning Noah’s lip met my skin. I couldn’t stop myself from jumping out of my skin and open my eyes to stare at him. Noah looked just as surprised as I felt. 

If You Didn't Want Me Why Did You Kidnap Me?!Where stories live. Discover now