Chapter Seven-Stew-Ireland; 1813

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"I'm Sir Aldric Aldershorn III", The Knight said.

     "Lady Emily Thorpe", she said.

     "Aye, you're the youngest, unmarried girl in Ireland, M'Lady", Sir Aldric smiled.

     "Have you and your men been here long?", Lady Emily Thorpe enquired.

      "Aye, we're going to the Ports of Belfast", Sir Aldric said.

       "You don't want to go there. Rogues live there", Lady Emily Thorpe said.

       "You don't know about rogues M'Lady", a Knight told her.

        "I often sneak off without Mother knowing", Lady Emily Thorpe ate her stew.

         "Aye, so you decide to come here with one lamp", Sir Aldric said.

         "Aye", Lady Emily Thorpe said, "...And a Scottish Lord was here. He was going to marry my sister, Lady Margaret. But Mother stopped it. And told him off. He's staying at a guest chamber", Lady Emily Thorpe said.

         "A Scottish Lord! Pray tell M'Lady, why is he here? We must prepare to defend Ireland against the Scots", Sir Aldric yelled.

       "Be still M'Knight. He is harmless", Lady Emily Thorpe then kissed the Knight, and calmed him down.


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