Chapter Three-A Lord and a Lady; Ireland; 1813

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Lady Emily Thorpe was writing on a brown colored desk.

     She used a quill.

      Suddenly Gilles knocked on the door.

      "Enter!", Lady  Emily Thorpe yelled.

       "Your Tea M'Lady", Gilles bowed.

       "Aye, please come inside Gilles. Are you alright?", Lady Emily Thorpe asked. She stopped writing; she watched the servant.

         "Aye, I hope you meet a suitor M'Lady", Gilles said.

         "Well,  Rory Douglass is a Lord...", Lady Emily Thorpe begun.

          "Maybe he is a Lord in Dundee, Scotland, but he is not a Lord in Ireland", Gilles said. He served his Lady her Earl Grey tea.

           "Please join me Gilles. I'm sure you won't mind having tea with me". Lady Emily Thorpe said. She waited for a response.

          "Alas, I have things to do", Gilles bowed, "...Enjoy!", he said. Then, once the tea was on one of the Lady's brown colored tables, he opened the door, and headed down the hallway...alone.


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