Twenty-Four: Presents!

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I love when Sherlock gets excited about things. {Yeah, John, I bet you do... Oh, did I say that out loud?} He raced into his bedroom, only to race back out again holding something behind his back.

I chuckled to myself as he tugged me by my hand downstairs. Mycroft and Lestrade were sitting on the couch facing each other, both still in their pajamas. I had forgotten it was only eight in the morning...

"Morning, boys!" Lestrade called as we paced down the stairs. "Glad to see you finally made it out of bed."

I smiled a tired smile as I passed out the presents I had gotten. "Actually, we've been up since 1:30. New case. We've already been to the morgue and back."

"Visiting a morgue on Christmas Day. How cheerful."

"Well, you know Sherlock. He's always eager for a case." He grimaced at me and I winked back. He stuck his tongue out at me like a four year-old, so I grinned at him in return.

It was funny, until Greg threw a couch pillow across the room at my head, hitting the side of my face and almost knocking me over. Mycroft had tossed a pillow at Sherlock as well, and it bounced off his cheekbones before falling to the floor. We slowly turned to face them.

They were both smirking. "Get a room, would you?"

"Ha. Ha. Very funny." Sherlock threw the pillow back. "Just open the damn presents already."

"Merry Christmas to you too," Mycroft mumbled before we all grabbed the rest of our presents.

Sherlock received a pocket magnifying glass and a new riding crop ("Since your old one was looking a little worn," Greg joked) from Mycroft and Greg. I got him a pair of his own handcuffs ("So you can stop pickpocketing DI Lestrade," I explained, but of course Greg found a way to make it dirty, muttering something about how they would go good with the riding crop... I swear to God, if he doesn't stop making everything Sherlock and I do dirty, I might have to strangle him) and a few Agatha Christie novels, which I knew he loved. His parents gave him a hat. A deerstalker, in fact. Truthfully, he hated it. To be honest, I was surprised that they gave him anything.

Sherlock gave me the box set of Lord of the Rings (which I had mentioned months ago that I wanted) and a new comfy jumper. It cracks me up how much Sherlock loves my jumpers - he says they're comforting, and that they smell like me. Mycroft and Greg gave me a scarf that was almost identical to Sherlock's. Of course I loved it. It made me feel like I should pop up my coat collar and throw around deductions. Sherlock's parents - well, his mother - gave me a hat as well. Mine was red plaid. The note said a simple "Happy Christmas" in a woman's loopy handwriting.

Greg gave Mycroft a new umbrella (I remembered how Sherlock had insisted that an umbrella was like a security blanket to Mycroft) and a box of his favorite chocolates. I mean, Mycroft isn't fat, but that kid sure loves his sweets. Which is also what Sherlock and I made him - a double layer cake. It was hell trying to make Sherlock participate in doing anything that didn't involve eyeballs, decapitated heads, or some other gruesome body part, but I maganed to get him to help when I insisted that cooking was very similar to expirementing; just less bloody. Siger and Violet gave Mycroft a new laptop, which pissed me off. I mean, Jesus, Mycroft gets new, state-of the-art technology, and Sherlock got a lousy hat. He tried to pursuade me that he didn't care, that he was used to it, that I should let it go, but I was still a little angry.

Anyway, Greg got a new watch from Mycroft. It was nice; Greg seemed to like it a lot, even though he insisted that it was too expensive. Mycroft just brushed the comment aside in a manner similar to Sherlock, when I instist that things are too expensive. Sherlock and Mycroft's parents gave him a gift card. Sherlock and I decided to work together (kind of) on our presents for Greg. I mean, we teamed together to give him 1) a new football, since his was old and riddles with holes, and 2) a pair of tickets to watch his favorite football team play. He was so excited when he opened them; he even jumped with joy when he read the tickets.

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