Seven: Sociopathic

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John's PoV

"They all don't usually sit with us," Sherlock informed me later, as we were walking to the office again so I could get another timetable, seeing as I'd lost mine earlier.

"Oh? Who's 'us'? I mean, who do you usually sit with?" He really hadn't talked to anyone at the table particularly, except me. He never showed much emotion, never reacted when Donnovan muttered "Freak" under her breath and Anderson laughed, hardly cracked a smile, and even when did, it was clearly fake. I was starting to realize that he was aloof, brooding, and distant a majority of the time.

"My brother, Lestrade, and I. The rest who were there today usually sit at other tables, with other people. But, seeing as it was the first day... I suppose they wanted to 'mingle,' or something."

"You have a brother?"

"Mmm, an older brother, he's a senior [I don't know what seniors are called in England... Year Twelves?] this year. Only a year older. Mycroft is his name." Sherlock pushed open the office building door and walked through. "Ah, Hudders!" He called out to Ms. Hudson.

"Oh, Sherlock, dear, how nice to see you again!"

And then Sherlock Holmes did something that surprised me, even though I'd known him for only a small time. When the gentle, older woman walked around the counter to say hello, Sherlock- Sherlock Holmes- leaned down and wrapped his spindly arms around Ms. Hudson, giving her an affectionate hug. She hugged the student back, smiling up at him. And he was... Smiling? Not quite, but the closest to smiling that I had seen him.

"I missed you over the break," he said fondly before pulling back. I still stood with my mouth open.

"It's nice to see you too, dear. How is your mother?"

A dark look passed over his face. "I wouldn't know."

"Sherlock, you know she cares for you... Your father and brother, too."

"They're insufferable. I can't stand them!" Ms. Hudson shook her head sadly.

"Erm, I just... Needed another timetable? I lost mine..." I broke in, finally finding my voice after the shocking instance that just happened.

"Of course." She printed off a new piece; "Here you are. Please try not to lose this one as well. But do come back and visit me!"

Outside, Sherlock noticed me staring at him. "What?"

"What... Was that? That thing. You.. erm..."

He sighed. "Ms. Hudson is the closest thing to a mother I have," he explained.

"Oh- I'm sorry, I didn't-"

"I have a good family, John. I suppose... They're all frustratingly dull. They really don't care about me- maybe Mycroft does, but my parents... To them, I'm just 'different.' Not the good kind. Mycroft is their golden boy, the center of everything. I'm the sociopath in the back of the room, so they shun me."

"I'm sorry, Sherlock," I said, genuinely feeling sorry for this self-proclaimed "sociopath."

"I don't want your pity, nor did I ask for it." He turned away from me, and started up the stairs to the third floor.

I trailed after him, trying to decide if I wanted to press the issue. I figured that it might be better if I left it alone for now, so once we reached the dorm and Sherlock started back up with his experiments, I curled up on my bed with my book.

***Timey wimey time skip to the next morning***

My alarm clock beeped me awake, and I rolled over to see Sherlock still asleep with his pillow over his face. I got up and headed for the shower, but when I came out, fully dressed, he was still laying in the same position. I glanced at the clock- 20 minutes until we would have to leave to first period.

"Sherlock, get up," I shook him. "We both have English first period, and you'll be late."

He groaned and flipped over. "I'm not going."

"What do you mean, you're not going? You have to go. Come on, get up."

"Ugggghh, English is boring. I'm fluent in English- and a few other languages, for that matter; why do I need to take a class for it?"

"I don't know..." I paused. "What other languages do you know?"

Sherlock opened his bright, endless blue-green galaxy eyes at me and my breath caught in my throat. "I am fluent in French and German, and know quite a bit of Latin, as well as Serbian."

"Serbian? Planning on visiting Serbia anytime soon?" I joked.

"Mmm, I hope not. That would require getting out of bed." He rolled over and placed the pillow back over his head, effectively ending the conversation. I glanced at the clock again. If I didn't leave in the next ten minutes, I would be late for my first day.

"Okay, Sherlock, look. I am new here. You are the only person I know, really. Molly or Mary or Lestrade- none of them have this class with us." My roommate, at this point, had lifted his head to stare at me with a very, very shocked expression on his face. "I..." I exhaled heavily. "I think I need you, Sherlock. You're my only friend here..."

Sherlock was taken aback. "I- I'm you're friend?" His eyes were wide, and I could tell that not many people in his life- if any- had ever counted him as a friend. I realized he meant it when he said he was always "the sociopath in the back of the room."

"Of course... Of course you're my friend," I said genuinely. I looked at the clock one more time. "A friend that I really need to be dressed and out the door in... five minutes?"

The future detective sighed, weighing his options. "Fine. For you, John, I will endure this terribly boring class today." He sent me a begrudging look before grabbing some clothes and walking into the bathroom, closing the door behind him.

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