Sorry, People.

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You guessed it, this is an Author's Note. Sorry. I just have a few things I think you need to know, so please read!!!

First of all, thank you for reading this. Honestly, it means so much to me. Just the fact that you took time out of your life to read my story.... It's awesome. So, YAY YOU!!! *Big hugs from me*

Secondly, this is my first fanfiction, so comments are pretty much required. (If you don't mind??) Please, tell me what you think about it so far. Also, I love suggestions and requests. So if you want a specific scene to be in this fanfic (for instance, a Johnlock Christmas, or a Mystrade scene), send me a message or leave it in the comments, and I'll dedicate it to you when I write it. Oh!!! And, CASES!! I cannot write up a good case to save my life, so unless someone gives me some clues, there's not going to be much of actual case solving in here. Again, I'll give you all the credit if you suggest something.

Thirdly, criticism is good. Even if you comment just to say, "I hate it all," that's good. Thank you. Correct me on my grammar, brutally dissect my writing style, and point out every spelling misshap and typo you may come across.

One last thing: the story.

Did you know, there are two kinds of people in the world? The Sherlocks and the Johns. The Sherlocks out there are the ones who are great with deductions and cases, while the Johns are.... Not so much. I, unfortunately, am a John Watson. *sigh* That means, I suck at deducing, and am horrible at creating cases. (See the above italicized print.)

Yeah, so, the John in me does not fully understand the workings of the Sherlockian brain. Therefore, I apologize for the bad Sherlock POV. Most of the story will probably be in John's POV, but I will definately have some Sherlock in there, too. Just stick with me, please.

Also, I love when I'm reading a fanfic and there is an actual scene or line from the show... Cannon, you know? I don't know if you guys like that or not, but I planned on putting a lot of that in here. So, if you hate it, let me know, and I'll tone it down. Or, if you love it and want more, let me know. I go off of what you guys tell me, so every comment is important.

Wow, that note became longer than I'd thought it would be. Again, I'm sorry. There won't be many other A/Ns in this story.

Okay, you awesome nerds. I love you all.
SleepyWhoLockian, signing out.

You should check out my other works! (I mean... If you want to.)

🐙 One Shots from 221B
Johnlock/Mystrade one shots and shorts. I kind of just update when I feel like it...

🐙 Destiel One Shots
Just... Destiel. One shots and shorts. That's basically it.

🐙 Daring, Dreaming
This is my "catch all" fiction book. Poems, shorts stories, one shots, random things. Nothing fandom related.

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