Backstage hookup michael

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Today was the day! You have waited nine months for this concert. You had backstage passes and meet and greet passes. Driving up to the gates is when it started to hit you. You were going to meet your idols in less than an hour.

The line want too bad. Forty girls all in the same position as you yet they were wearing skin tight dresses were you were wearing a Green Day teeshirt and skinny jeans. Great! You thought you were going to stick out like a sore thumb.

The boys came out looking fuckable as always. Michael!! His blonde hair making you go weak in the knees. The boys answered some questions when Michael picked on you.

"Um....what is your favorite aspect of The Walking Dead?" You asked him. The girls next to you scuffed and coughed "Nerd".

Michael saw that what they were doing was upsetting you so he spoke up.
"Finally a girl that love TWD and a cute one as well! I would have say the character dynamics." He winked at you as they started to get ready to play Jet Black Heart.

He kept looking at you throughout the session. When it was time for you to take pictures with them you were nervous as hell. Calum, Luke, and Ashton were sweet and very much a true gentlemen.

Michael went in for a hug as you were about to pull back he whispered " meet me back stage in ten minutes,here take this badge it will get you in."

What the hell just happened you thought. You waited and as he promised he met you in exactly ten minutes.

"What's your name beautiful?" He asked.


He took your hand and dragged you to what you assumed to be their dressingroom. You walked in and Michael pinned you against the door.

He intruded your mouth with his tongue as his hand moved their way to you butt. You wrapped your legs around his hips as he guided you two to the couch. You pulled off your shirt as he did the same.

He sucked on your neck that was defiantly going to leave hickeys later. He undid you bra leaving you both half naked.

" You want this right?"  He asked.

"Michael just get inside me." You demanded.

He attacked your lips again. You undid his belt and pulled down his jeans. His boner was press giant your middle but sadly your jeans were separating you two. After your jeans were off he rolled on a condom and with on swift trust entered you.

"Augh" You moaned out. It hurt for a moment because he was defiantly the biggest that you have had.

"We have to make this fast.... I go on in a half hour." He whispered.

You both were giving it your all. You could tell he was close but you were not. He started to rub you cl!t pulling you closer over the edge. After what seemed like hours you couldn't hold back any longer.

"Michael!!!" Your climax over came you sense as you could only hear the sort pants from the angle above you. He pulled out and handed you you clothes with a piece of paper with his number on it.

He kissed the top of your head.

" I wish I could stay longer but I have a show to play. Watch from the side and we could go get something to eat after."

"Okay." You told him.
It sucked ik but I wrote this like last week and forgot to post it oops....

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