Nerdy michael sweet sex

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You were in marine biology tuning out your teacher as usual.

"...Partners. " Your teacher said.

Wait what you thought. Partners you hoped you would get Y/B/F/N because you didn't know anyone else in the class that well.
"Elisabeth and Andrew, Y/N and Michael..." She said. Of course you got stuck with that nerd, but at least he's cute.

He moved to sit next to you when your teacher said to move into your partners. " I'll be honest I was not paying attention at all. So what are we suppose to do?" You asked him

"Umm... Well we are suppose to research an endangered marine animal and write a thousand word essay about it." He said nervously.

You had to admit he was adorable. "Okay so how does my house on Saturday sound?"

"Great, umm what is your address?" He asked.

"Can I see your phone for a second?" He handed over his phone. You took it and put your number in it. "Text me later and I'll tell you." With that the bell rang.


Michael was due over any minute and you were weirdly very nervous. The door bell rang and you let him in.

"Hey! We can work in my room. My parents aren't home so there won't be any distractions." You told him.

He sat on your bed with caution. He opened his laptop slowly to try to avoid conversation with you. Okay you thought.

"Well I was thinking we could look up endangered ones around us."

"Sure." You said. You leaned in to see the screen and as you did your hand brushed his thigh. And he quickly jumped back a bit.

"Mikey have you even kissed a girl?" You asked knowing the answer already.

"No." His cheeks turned pink with his answer.

"So if I just so happened to kiss you right now would you let me." He's total innocent and that attracted you.

" Yes I would Y/N!" You leaned in looking in his eyes for a final consent. It was there so you slowly leaned in farther until your lips smashed into his with passion. Man was he a good kisser for this one being his first.

Your fingers griped at his hair as his tongue begged for entrance. He payed you down on your bed as he supported himself on top of you. You tugged his shirt off. Sh!t he was fit.

"Wait! So I can stop myself are you sure you want me to be your first time?" You asked his with full concern.

"Yes Y/N!"

He pulled your shirt off as you squirmed out of your running shorts.
You fumbled with his belt for a second but you think he was more embarrassed by him struggling to get his skinny jeans off.

You started to grind your hips towards his to create friction because you doubt he knew that you need some form of foreplay to get turned on. As you stared to become wet he became greatly hard.

You in clasped your bra. His eyes looked like they were going to pop out of his sockets. You just laughed and put his hands on your chest. He got your hint very quickly and massaged your boobs.

You roped off yours and his underwear. His hard-on brush against your core.

"Mikey!!!" You moaned out.

You reached in your nightstand and took out a condom. He surprisingly knew how to at least put that on.

"Are you sure Y/N? Because we can stop and that will be fine and..."

"Mikey shut up and get inside me!!!" You begged him. He listened to your request and burred himself inside you. He felt so amazing he was at least eight inches, but he lacked knowledge. You took his finger and put it in your clit.

" Rub here as you began to start to thrust. It will drive any girl crazy!" You instructed him. As he started to thrust in and out of you he had the cutest but sexiest expression taking over his face. You started to feel bad it was his first time and not yours.

"Mikey let me be on top." As he laid back you eased yourself on him.

"Ahh. This feels amazing." You started to bounce up and down on him. After about five minutes you were close to finishing.

"Michael are you close? I don't think I can last any longer!"

"Yes let go." You didn't need to be told twice. You released on to him with him filling the condom.

You moved to lay down next to him as he moved out from you. He deposed of the condom and went to lay back beside you.

"So dying  fishes which one of them are we choosing?" Typical you thought he was still thinking about school when all you could think about was going for a round two.

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