Eventful ish

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Patrick's POV

"Yes, I guess I am," I responded, but it was in an uncertain tone.

"Okay then, well why don't we actually stop and get Pete and we can go and learn?" Tyler said, but it sounded like a question, "I don't really know much about what's going on anyway. You guys can fill me in." I'm guessing Tyler isn't a hybrid then.

"Sounds like a plan," I grabbed my phone, "I'll just text Pete and tell him we'll be stopping." I mumbled as I sent the message.

We got into their car, except for Elisa, who stayed home with Declan. We quickly made our way to Pete's house, not wanting to waste any time. We needed to get this out of the way as fast as possible. We didn't know when trouble would start. That's what worried me. No one knew when all hell might break loose.We might not be prepared at all.

I hopped out of their car when we pulled up to Pete's house. I opened the door and stepped in, "Pete, we're here!" I yelled making my way into the living room, where he most likely was. But he wasn't there, "Guys look around the house, Pete isn't in the living room." I yelled at Tyler and Josh as they instantly took off running around. We looked almost everywhere, "Anything?" I asked when they got back. They both shook their heads.

"Well, maybe he isn't back yet," Tyler suggested.

"No, his car is in the driveway." I shook my head sighing, "Call everyone who could help, something's happened to Pete." I took my phone out and dialled almost every number I had. No one knew where he was. Not even Mikey, he knew everything that's going on.

"Carter!" I yelled when she picked up her phone, I didn't give her any time to reply, "Pete's missing! He's not at his house, his car is in the driveway though! Something happened!"

"Are Meagen and his kids there?" she asked calmly. (CALMLY DUMBLEDORE CALMLY!)

"No, they're out visiting their family." I sighed. Pete is lost and no one can help. For all I know, he could be dead.

Pete's POV

"LET ME GO YOU  ASSHOLE!" I yelled as Bob pulled me to the truck, "LET ME FUCKING GO!"

"No can do." he smirked as he put handcuffs on my wrists. I kicked him the shin making him flinch, but shook it off, "I wouldn't recommend hurting your kidnappers." He yelled tossing me into the back of the trunk like I was a feather. I flinched in pain as my arm slammed against the hard floor. A few minutes into the ride I had an idea.

"You obviously didn't think this through," I laughed, turning my head to look at Bob.

"What do you mean?!" he yelled, "You're all tied up in the back, all helpless. And you don't even know how to use your powers."

"You know, you're right." I sighed in 'defeat'. I went hybrid, but didn't use my wings, those would give away my plan right away. See, I know how to use one of my powers. A But not well.

I closed my, now red eyes, and focused on what I wanted. I wanted the truck to explode. Leaving us alive, but Bob severely injured. I want him to stay alive so he can tell everyone else I know what I'm doing. The truck started to shake a bit, "What the-" Bob was saying when the truck exploded. I smiled in victory, as he screamed in fear. "Don't worry!" I yelled, "You'll live!"

Patrick's POV

I drove around everywhere, I was Pete's car while Tyler and Josh took theirs. I was so worried, Pete might be dead. No, No Pete is strong. I reassured myself. I heard a loud bang in the distance. I drove straight towards the sound, it might be something to do with Pete. Once everything came into view, I saw Pete sitting in what looked like an exploded car. But he looked fine, except for the handcuffs around his wrist.

Pete smiled when he saw me coming. I ran out of the car and helped him up, "The keys are in his pocket," He said nudging his head towards another person in the debris, "He's alive, don't worry." Pete reassured me. I slowly walked over to the man, he looked like, Bob. I grabbed the keys, which had fallen out of his pocket during the explosion, and took off the handcuffs.

"What happened?" I asked right away.

"He kidnapped me, so I exploded his truck." Pete said like it was nothing.

"He kidnapped you? How did you explode the truck?" I asked, needing answers.

"Yes, he kidnapped me, and I only know one power," Pete answered, "Just exploding stuff."

"Oh, cool then. Well, not cool that you were kidnapped, I mean-"

"It's fine, I know what you're going at." Pete smiled, "We should head back home?"

"Yea, let me call Tyler and Josh and tell them you're fine." I mumbled grabbing my phone.


woooweee the kid in front of me keeps saying "Im gonna make him smoke weed" and im scared HALP

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