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**Cloud story for PandaCloudLover, sorry, couldn't come up with a clever title!!!**

"Cloud, where are you taking me?" You yelled over the motorcycle engine and the wind.
"Someplace special!" He called back.
"Like what?"
"You'll see soon enough!"
You smiled curiously at him. You laughed and rested your head in between his shoulder blades as the wind whipped right on by. You closed your eyes as you felt the rush of the wind and going over seventy miles an hour.
After what seemed like hours, the motorcycle slowed down and Cloud yelled back, "Close your eyes!"
You looked at him with curiosity but you complied.
"They're closed!"
"Good, don't open them till I tell you to. Got it?"
'Where could he possibly taking me?' You wondered.
Finally, the motorcycle came to a halt. You sat up. A gentle breeze caressed your face. Then, you felt Cloud dismount.
He spoke gently, "Okay, now open."
You opened them and smiled.
"To think this is where we first met," you giggled as you dismounted.
Cloud smiled a little, a blush painting his cheeks.
"Seems just like yesterday," he commented.
You laughed and sat down.
The yellow flowers blew gently in the breeze.
This was where, Zack, Cloud's friend, had sacrificed his life to fight for freedom. He returned to the planet. It was hard for Cloud though. Him and Zack were the bestest friends anyone could ever ask for.
The memory of how you two met flashed in your mind as you overlooked the city.
You were sitting outside of the city on the exact some cliff where the huge sword was. It was a rough day and you just needed to get away for a bit. Suddenly, the sound of a motorcycle could be heard. You turned to see behind you and saw a blonde boy riding a motorcycle towards you.
He stopped right beside you. He was really...handsome! Not a single flaw that you could see! His eyes were a blue too. He had blonde spiky hair that resembled a Chocobo. He wore a high collar black sleeveless shirt, black pants, and black boots. There was a long black cloth on his right side that covered his whole arm. His hands were adorned in black leather gloves.
"Who are you and what are you doing here?" He asked.
"Oh, I'm ____. And I just needed to get away. Is...something wrong with me being here?"
"This is where my closest friend had died. The sword...marks his place. I'm Cloud Strife by the way. Call me Cloud."
You stood up. "Nice to meet you, Cloud. And I'm really sorry! I didn't know. I'll go someplace else then."
You proceeded to leave when he stopped you.
"I didn't say you had to leave. I just said that's where he died," he quielty said.
You halted and looked at him. He wasn't looking at you. In fact, his eyes were fixed ahead, and his cheeks were red.
This made you smile a little and blush a bit yourself. You walked up to him, causing him to blush a little darker.
"So, you don't mind me being here then?"
He shook his head, the blush still evident on his cheeks.
"No, just don't...vandalize anything. I don't think...he'd like that very much."
You smiled. "I promise I wouldn't do that."
He gave a small nod but didn't speak anymore.
You sat down and sighed, looking out over the city again.
And things went from there. You two grew closer, and closer together. He introduced you to his other friends and you were instantly accepted into the group. And now, you had more friends than ever.
Your thoughts were suddenly interrupted when you heard him speak.
"I...I'm glad I met you."
You hardly heard what he said. It came out more like a whisper. You smiled at him. He was blushing like crazy and he looked away shyly. He was so CUTE when he did that.
You grinned and hugged him and kissed him on the lips, making him blush dark red. A giggle escaped from you.
"I am too, Spiky!"
He gave a smile chuckle, and smiled with the blush still dusting his cheeks and hugged you back. No words were needed to be spoken between the two of you.
You both overlooked the cliff side to Midgar as the sun began to set, painting the sky with vibrant colors. Only time would tell what was in store of for the two of you.

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