Emmy, X Sapphire and luna

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X's pov
I was on the edge of the lake, just thinking, then the memories came, I started to cry. Thank goodness Emmy couldn't see me. I saw the fire as vivid as that day years ago, I was I different person back then. I had a family, friends, but they're all dead now, and it's all my fault.
"Come on Em, Henry, you to, we're going berry picking for mom's birthday today remember"
"Comming, come on Sapph"
My littlest sister was wearing her favorite pink dress and her eevee sapphire was wearing her pink satin bow, which I knew both would get muddy by the time we got back. I on the other hand was wearing a forest green loose dress, and I had tried to get Luna to wear her yellow silk bow but she had tore it off again. Henry was wearing a typical outfit shirt, jacket, pants and his hat.. But his skitty was wearing tiny boots.
It was late in the afternoon and we were headed back, our berry baskets were filled to the brim and Emmy and I were discussing what mom would like best, pastries or pie. We reached the edge of our town when we saw it, fire was every where, my home was lost. Family and friends all dead. And I knew why. So I ran, I took Emmy and my twin by the hands and just ran and didn't look back. I took them to Henry and mine's secret spot in the woods, a small grove of large oaks making a perfect circle almost impossible to get in. This was where I hid my box, and my bow, which my godfather had given me. It needed no arrows for it could make its own out of fire, ice, and arceas knows what else. Henry only took his golden dagger, and that wild ponyta he rode everywhere.
We left that place and followed Luna, she told me where to go, where we would be safe. But halfway there we ran into him, the leader of the Kocklaz. He attacked us, he ordered his pokemon, I think it was an alakazam, to use an attack called pybeam at Emmy, the world moved in slow motion I moved in front of Emmy, expected a large blow but nothing happened. I found out that I had transformed. It was weird, being half pokemon, but needless to say, I beat him. Dark trumps physic after all. But he got the last laugh, I turned to see Henry was gone. All that was left was his hat and jacket, torn to pieces.
That was the day my family died, the day I became x and detached myself from my feelings.

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