X and Luna

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Elaine blinked back tears as she left the only home she had ever known. She entered the woods with only the light from Star's mane and tail as light. She rode on till morning when she stopped to eat and rest. After that she went less quickly for she knew her mother's guard only had foot soldiers. She traveled for a few days by Daisy's lead. Suddenly one day as they were taking a lunch break. Daisy's ears became alert.

"What is it"


After Daisy said this Elaine started to pack up. She asked Daisy to get in her basket but she refused.
"Protect mommy"

"Fine let's go"

Elaine mounted Star and Daisy hoped on Elaine's shoulder, and they started off but soon after they left they ran into someone in black clothing with a red insignia on it. Elaine recognized it as the Kocklaz's mark. And he had a black pokemon with him who was growling and showing its teeth.

"So this is where you were hiding princess Elaine, my Lord.Will be most pleased to see you. Mightyena use shadowball" the black pokemon opened its mouth and a strange dark sphere started to come at Daisy and Elaine.

Suddenly another dark sphere collided with the first and they exploded.

The Kocklaz minion stood there open-jawed obviously surprised. He quickly recovered and opened his mouth about to order another attack when a arrow made of ice flew by his face and froze the tree next to him. A girl with a black pokemon with yellow rings around its tail and ears somersaulted down from a nearby tree and the girl drew another arrow, this one appeared to be made of flames, and aimed it straight at the minion's face. The pokemon stood with a fierce look.

"Go away or next time i won't miss" the black and yellow pokemon growled in response.

The minion turned and ran as fast as he could with his pokemon yelping and with its tail between it's legs.

"Thank you."

"You're welcome."She said coldly

"Where on earth are my manners. My name is Elaine, and this is Daisy."

"You can call me X. This is Luna. Now get out of my woods or the next arrow has your name on it. We don't need anymore mouths to feed especially not a princess. And you'll only cause more trouble"

And with that X and Luna jumped into a tree and headed off. As she headed off Elaine noticed that X had a box similar to her's hanging on a chain around her waist.

Who is X and why does she have a box, how did she get it and why am I asking I should know?!?!

(To tell the truth I know but I like leaving cliffhangers. MWHAHAHAHAH

I'm evil) >:}

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