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Before I start I wanna give a big thank you to Fangirl26 for caring enough to comment and vote on my book and end everyone's suffering. So check out her profile. And defiantly read miles away. It's one of her books. And it is amazing. And be sure to vote on every chapter of it. So without further ado. Here is the next chapter of Team Eevee!

???'s pov

I love the smell of fear. And thanks to the princess I've finally found the rebel's base. My son deserves this. I deserve this. And I will finally get my hands on the greatest power known, the celestic stones.

Elaine's pov

Man, X is really creepy sometimes. But that aside there are injured people that we need to evacuate. Emmy and I first stopped at the infirmary and evacuated the injured. Daisy and Sapphire never left our sides. I was surprised at the number of pokemon helping us. There was one that was bigger than a full grown man and had a spoon in its hands it appeared to be picking things and people up without touching them. Others were humongous and appeared to be made of rock they were carrying people that couldn't walk and children to the "secret base" that X talked about earlier. I kept Emmy in my sight throughout the entire trip there. Both our eevees were on full alert. Finally we arrived at a lake. I went to get a drink but as I stopped down a beautiful white creature popped its head out of the water and made me fall in. Of course I couldn't swim so I started to panic. The same creature from before swam below me and bring me to the surface.

Of course Emmy was laughing her head off.

"I remember when Dewwy did that to me."

We both laughed for a minute. It felt good.

I gasped for air. The dewgong (as I came to know it as) along with a few other assorted pokemon swam us under the water and just as I felt my lungs would burst they came to an underwater cavern large enough to hold twice as many people we had and a few more comfortably.

"My big sis and the others will be here soon so we can relax for a while.

Emmy was dancing and acting ridiculous with a few other kids that came with us, keeping everyone's spirits up. And I was laying on my back thinking back on the days events. Suddenly something hit me, literally daisy was jumping on my stomach.
"What about Henby. He ok?"

"I hope so"
"He help mommy run 'way so he good boy right?"

"Yep. He helped us.... OH MY GOODNESS!"
"What is it mommy"


So yea. Elaine forgot Star. Who else forgot about her? Hey remember when Elaine mentioned Henry had a skitty? Who forgot about that? Now why on earth would I mention that again? And what about Elaine's mysterious suitor? What's X hiding? Why can't you mention the name "Henry" near her? What's going on with everyone else? Is Fallon's family ok?! Why do I like asking questions I already know the answers to?

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