Chapter 6: Doesn't Exist

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Harry, Louis, Liam, Niall and Zayn all sat in the same office listening to a lecture about their next few weeks before the upcoming tour. 

"You have one more event here before we go back to London, as I explained before, and then we have the charity event and the photo shoot when we get back. All clear? Good. You can go ahead and spend whatever time we have left here as you please." Said a bored looking sectary that had been speaking through her 'higher authority' for the last twenty minutes.

The boys mumbled a reply before getting up to leave. Harry was almost out of the door before the sectary called him back.

"The manager wants to speak to you."

It sounded as if she was talking about god himself when she said it.

Harry gulped and stood behind. Zayn gave him a pat on the back before closing the door behind him, leaving Harry, the sectary and a laptop in the room, alone.

The woman clicked a few buttons before turning the laptop to face Harry. The face on the other end looked solemn and cold, and Harry felt the cut on his head pound.

"Harry." The face on the screen nodded and Harry did the same in response. "Hows the head?"

Harry hand twitched as he tried not to touch his head in self consciousness.


"Good." The face said solemnly."And your new friend?"

Harry stayed silent. He had not prepared anything for this moment.


"What was her name again... Clara Tyler, am I correct?" The solemn man started to pull files from a drawer behind him."Strange, what we found on her."

"...What?" Harry's heart was pounding.

"It seems, Harold, that your mystery girl, does not in fact exist. We even had a face recognition pulled on her; nothing. Care to explain?"

"Well- ah- I-"

" And before you say anything Harold, think very carefully. We but know tht you know something, and don't try to deny it."

Harry stayed silent. In fact, they all stayed silent until the man on the other end of the laptop scowled at Harry in impatience.

"If you wish not to tell me, them fine, but if she puts one of you boys in danger again, I promise you she will never have to have a record. I'd personally love to put this whole thing behind us, but what with the commotion she caused outside the hotel the other day, I have no choice but to meet her and tell Simon what I think. Bring her to London if your so content on keeping her, I'll send you further instructions"

And then the line was cut off.

"So, am I banned from ever seeing you again?" Clementine teased as Harry threw himself onto the bed. He groaned and rubbed his temples.

"Not necessarily. They just want to meet the person who almost killed me."

"Killed you?" Clementine laughed."A little bump on the head won't hurt you!" 

"Clem, they want to have a conversation with you." Harry looked frightened."A proper conversation. Without narky remarks or bitchy come backs!"

"Hey, watch the language, kido." Clementine scoffed."I can have an intellectual conversation with anyone I wanted!"

"Yeah, of course!" Harry rolled his eyes. "On to another topic, how do you feel about London?"

"What? Why?" Clementine asked in suspicion.

"Because that's where the little conversation with management is." Harry frowned.

"Oh!" Clementine looked dazed."Well, I've never really been..."

"Well, pack up your.... what do you have again?"

"An empty Starbucks cup."

"Uh, lets not pack that going to London, eh?"

Clementine's face broke into a grin."Sure."

Harry smiled."So it's settled then. We're leaving the morning after we met Kyle."

"Och. I forgot about that." Clementine groaned."Can't we just skip Kyle?"

"Nope." Harry smiled teasingly and patted the other side of the bed he was laying on."Come on. We'll order room service."

(Sorry for it being so short (-.-)

...Hey. You know when those people on wattpad always say 'hey look I'm alive, lol' after a week of not uploading? Yeahhh.... so, six months, huh? :D *awkward laugh*

My excuse? Well, I uh...... got a tumblr -.-

Again... Sorry.

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⏰ Last updated: Sep 24, 2013 ⏰

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