Chapter 12

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Chapter 12

(Prison Cafeteria)


"Tell me what you know about your father's businesses?" Mr. Carmichael asked the question from where he was seated across from me at the conference table in the Warden's office. For some reason Mr. Larsen wanted me to meet with my new attorney in the privacy of his office rather than the meeting room downstairs, and I am beginning to understand why. It seems that the corruption running rampant in the city government is traveling higher up the chain towards some state officials. An ugly trail of blood and money was becoming more and more obvious and they are all connected in some way shape or form to multiple businessmen and city leaders.

I looked at him and I was sort of confused because I don't know why my father's companies would be relevant to my case. My father owned several import/export companies, a shipping line that travels all around the world, as well as much smaller business that he has invested in over the years. I was being groomed to take over the reigns of the running of those companies when I graduated. I wasn't even sure the old man was going to hand over his life's work to me, being the accursed queer son and all, but I'd seen the legal documents that were already drawn up stating that he was prepared to so when the time is right. After all, he married into the business, because it was my mother's family that had owned and operated what was now known as the Seaport Shipping Incorporated.

If he didn't give me the position, then I had my plan B already in place by doing what he taught me to do, and that was learning how to network with influential people. Connections that can help me get a job in my desired field. I wasn't stupid, and knowing my old man and dealing with the bastard all these years, it would be just like him to dangle the prize in front of my face only to snatch it away at the last minute. So, if dear old Dad decided to be his usual spiteful self and change his mind at the last minute. I'll still have plenty of options available to me.

"My father's businesses dealt mostly in retail shipping, importing and exporting everything from clothes, spices, shoes, and other major retail items around the world. Then there

are his investments in much smaller things like real estate, strip malls, and storage warehouses." I shrugged and wondered where my lawyer's going with this.

Isaac must have seen my silent question in my eyes because he went on to explain what his private investigators have found in regards to my father's financials, both his personal and business accounts. He also found it extremely suspicious that there was a lot of money changing hands between my father and proxy companies owned by none other than Commissioner Landry himself. The next bit of news sent me reeling, just when I thought that there was nothing left for the old man to do to me. He does something to prove me wrong. Did he really want me to spend my life wasting away in jail? Did he hate me that much just for loving who I love?

What would be his reasoning for paying out such a large lump sum of money to Josh Landry's corrupt father? Was it some kind of restitution for me killing the man's son? Was it some kind of blood money?

My thoughts immediately shifted to my little love."You have to get Dillon out of that house. My mom will never leave that man, but Dilly needs to get out of there." I jumped up and began pacing a tight circle around the table, agitated and now afraid for my boyfriend to be stuck in a house with a monster. My mind went flying in a million different directions at once, trying to reconcile the new levels of hatred that my own father must feel for me. Hell, I would have rather he outright disowned me than play these mind games.

The mere thought of my little love being in danger, in the very house I sent him to go when I was sentenced turned my stomach. I should have known better. Mr. Carmichael was giving me one of those sympathetic looks full of understanding, and I turned and dashed out the door and into the outer office. Mr. Larsen's head snapped up at my sudden entry.

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