Chapter Ten:

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My dream are dark and imageless at first. Until I hear a calming spell being cast.

Then the darkness bursts into a bright light and I see Dvina appear within the light.

"Klaus? What are you doing, silly?" she giggles and when I look around me we are in the green house of the Academy.

I turn back to Dvina, "What do you mean?" I reply with a smile on my face.

"You're spacing! Something on your mind?"

"Nothing but you." The words fly out of my mouth before I can stop them.

"Aw. How sweet. Blah." Athena comes in through the wall of the greenhouse, just like it'd expect her to. She was wearing a leather trench coat and dressed in mostly black, like the last time I saw her.

Athena smiles gently and asks, "Are you guys stuck in here?"

Dvina smiles and nods and Athena takes out her wand and flicks it, the door to the greenhouse opening to the left of us.

That's where the dream ends.

"...When is he going to wake up?"

"Quiet down, you'll wake him. And do you really want to face his wrath?"

"Agreed, let's go back to Athena."

My eyes snap open at the mention of Athena, but the people who were in the room are already gone, the door closing behind them.

I touch my forehead, where a headache threatens to appear and I stand up swiftly from the bed.

Nearly toppling over, I catch myself on a dresser. What the Hell is wrong with me? Why do I feel like throwing up?
The door is thrown open and Athena comes storming in, and she looks surprised to see me standing, much less awake.

"Athena, what did you do to me?" I groan and she frowns.

"You still feel weak and sick?"

I nod, she crosses her arms and seems to be racking her brain for an apparent answer.

"Strange. Your mark must be feeling the effects of someone using strong magic."

I am taken back, "Mark?"

She nods a little gloomy, "Yes, you are now a Secret Keeper, through and through. And what pain you are feeling from your stomach is the sign of the mark working."

She summons a mirror and positions me before it.

Then lifts my shirt and points to a slash mark on my skin.

Then with a little hesitation she takes her wand and touches it. And her wand emanates a faint glow.

After a few seconds, the light fades and Athena removes her wand sticking it back into her jacket pocket.

Athena blushes faintly and turns to leave.

I catch her shoulder and she tenses.

"How is my brother doing?"

She turns back to me, "Elias? Eh, he's fine. Actually he is currently in the library talking with Astra."

Before I can say anything else, another woman walks in carrying a tray of food.

"Thanks Camry." Athena says and Camry leaves.

My stomach growls at the sight of the food and Athena shuffles me over to the bed, and into a sitting position.

Setting the tray of food on my lap Athena turns to leave once more.


Athena sighs and sits down on the edge of the bed.

"You have questions don't you?" she perceives.

I don't answer, too busy scarring down the plate of food.

Athena chuckles and leaves the room.



I unlock the door to my office and close it behind me.

There is a stack of papers on the corner of the desk, and I sigh deeply.

I take a seat behind the desk and begin to work. Believe it or not, being the head Guardian means that I am responsible for the others. I file their reports away and other nonsense.

After at least an hour of magically filing away paperwork and other things, a knock sounds at the door.

I pick up my wand from the side of my desk and flick it toward the door and it opens.


Klaus and Elias walk in. Well Klaus is the one who walks, Elias is being dragged by his brother.

I rise from my seat, "I trust you two are feeling better?"

Klaus beats Elias to the punch, "We want to leave."

I try to cover up my sadness by smiling brightly.

"Of course, but first I have to explain a few things to you."

Klaus glares at me defiantly. "No."

I smirk, "That wasn't a choice, now sit down."

Elias reacts and takes a seat, however Klaus stands there with his arms crossed.

"Fine stand."

I take a deep breath, "We, the Guardia, are always looking for wizards with potential to help us and possibly become Guardians themselves. You two are our best candidates, since you are practically twins and have amazing magical skills."

Klaus grunts but doesn't interrupt.

"The reason we marked you two, is simple. A Secret Keeper is the protector of our identities and practically our lives. The mark on your arm and your stomach signal to other Guardians that you are trustworthy and are capable of using your skills to protect us."

I point outside the window towards the streets of Purgatory where lingering souls can be found.

"Without those marks, out there, you'd be seen as food for the hungry bats."

Then Klaus spins on his heels and storms out the door, I look at Elias, "I think you're the more open-minded between you two."

Elias looks at me a bit crestfallen before replying with a feeling of loneliness in his voice,

"Sure looks that way."



The media is what I imagine Athena to look Like when she first started out as a Secret Keeper. To be explained more later!

-Jackie Blake

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