Chapter Eight

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"Mommy look!" Aubbie pointed up to the sky as she watched an airplane take off.

"It's big!" Nicki said, her voice matching the same amazement as her daughter's had.

When Drake finally got everything straight, the family boarded the private plane to head to Orlando. Nicki holding Aubbie, both their mothers and fathers, Safaree, Miciah, Candi, Lauren, Terrance, Day, 40, Niko, Courtne, Chubbs, Hush, Wayne, Lil Tune, Lauren, Reginae and Bow Wow along with his daughter and girlfriend.

Once the plane took off, Drake and Nicki started talking.

"How did the meeting go? I forgot to ask you about that."

"We'll talk about that in private."

"It's bad." she stated knowingly.

"I got everything straight, don't worry."

As soon as he had left Alicia's, he found a different wedding planner and she was nice and professional.

Aubbie settled down and slept the whole duration of the flight and soon Nicki did too.

When they touched down in Orlando it was nighttime. There was a beach house that the whole family stayed in, of course the older folks stayed in the guest house because of the noise the younger people usually kept.

"I want Nana!" Aubbie pouted. She referred to Drake's mother as Nana and Nicki's mother as 'Gamma' she called both of her grandfathers Papa.

"Okay, after your bath." Drake picked the toddler up and after letting her pick her pajamas he carried her to the bathroom for a bath. She had been running around with Lil Tune on the beach for a little while at Reginae's supervision but since it was already dark, they had to come inside for baths.

Drake let her splash around in the bathtub while he got her towel and pull up. He bathed her and then dried her off. He put her nightshirt on and her slippers and walked her across the breezeway to the guest house.

"Someone wants their nana." he found his mother on the couch reading.

She smiled widely, "Aw, come on Aubbie. You staying the night with me?"


"Okay, how about some cookies?"

Aubbie smiled and ran towards the kitchen.

Drake kissed them both goodnight and left.

When he went back to the room he and Nicki were sharing, and found Nicki in the shower.

She smiled when he got in with her. She finished showering and took her time washing him up, love in her every touch.

After she was done they exited the shower. She pulled on a t-shirt and he put on a pair of flannel pajama pants and they got in the bed together. Nicki snuggled under him and he wrapped his arm securely around her.

He told her everything that had transpired between himself and Alicia.

"Thank you."

"For what?"

"For removing yourself from that situation. A lot of men wouldn't have been so considerate."

"I'm not a lot of men."

"I know and that's why I love you."

"I love you too." He pecked her lips just before she fell asleep.

The next morning when Drake woke up, Nicki was already out of the bed with everyone else. They were all on the beach so Drake freshened up and made his way to the shore.

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