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Carmesha POV

"Awahhhhh!!" Baby Carter yelled. As I tried to hush him.

I lived in a 2 bedroom section 8 apartment, It was all I could afford. After my mom kicked me out for getting pregnant when I living with her and was 17 she called me a hoe so I packed my bags and left.

I was living on the streets. I got a job and I got on section 8 and here I am hustling just for a little money.

The baby seemed calm after I pulled his bottle and he began sucking. I slowly rocked back and forth. His eyes began closing. Mine did too.

Ring! Ring! Ring!

My alarm clock rung startling the baby and me. I stopped it, and I got irritated trying to sooth the baby. I put the bottle away and changed his diaper. He was relaxed once again.....

I had to get ready for work so I called my friend Kiyah.

"Hello?" She answered.

"Hey can you babysit Carter?" I asked.

"Yeah, you got gas money?" She asked back.

"Yeah I'll give it to you once you get here." I responded we said our byes and hung up.

I grabbed my folded work clothes and hopped in the shower. I took a quick 10min shower, cause I was running late. I put on my clothes and grabbed my phone off the charger and put it in my purse.

She pulled up as I grabbed a 20 for her and she knocked on the door. I came to the door smiling.

"Hey. I'm running late he already had a bath I just fed him, and he's sleep." I say fastly but to where she still could understand me. I gave her a 20 and she took it

"Alright.... We'll be here when you get back." She said I gratefully smiled.

"Thank you." I said before I went back in the room kissing Carter one more time and grabbing my purse and keys again heading out.


I sign into work at Footlocker and clock-in. As I get behind the register, it was my first customer. I walked over.

"Hello can I help you?" I ask the girl who looked at least 25.

"Yes... I would like these Nike air force ones in black." She said pointing to the one all the way at the top.

"Alright....what size do you wear?"

"6 and 1/2." She tells me looking at the inside flap if her shoe. I nod my head and go to the back. I find the shoe and come out.

She takes off her shoe and her feet smell like Doritos. I give her the box and she tries it on.

"Yeah this is what I want. " she said as I nodded. Then she called someone.

"Hello....yeah im in footlocker.....can you pay for my shoe?.....alright...bye." She says hanging up and smiling. "My man paying for my shoe."

She tells me as I muster up the fake smile. I hate girls who come in here telling me about their man paying for their stuff, like I really dont give a fuck. But its my job to act like I care. Half of the girls man doesn't even show up, so ima see how this turns out. We wait as I see a man come thru the door looking like a million dollars.

He wore true jeans, a black polo tshirt. With some Jordan Citrus. He had a fade with some waves a couple of gold chains, and a gold watch. He also had a pinky ring.
She got up and came over to me.

"He was who I was talking about." She tells me as I nod. She gives me her box as I ring it up.

"65.72" I tell her making eye contact with the both of them.... Wondering now who the hell is gonna pay for the damn shoes already?

He pulls out a wad of money as I stare at it. One day his ass gon get robbed tryna flash money. He hands me the money plus interest.

" keep that babygirl." He tells me as I roll my eyes.

"Thank you." I tell him to be polite. He nods like he saved the world and walked out.


The rest of the day were kids coming in here not buying nothing. People coming in here buying shoes and returning them cause they didn't count up the right cash. As I went on my break. I took of my striped shirt and put on a regular black tank top.

I walked outside of Footlocker and I start walking to the maternity parenthood. I look at all the pregnant women clothes smiling remembering how I was.

I walk out and go to McDonald's. I walk to the register. I read the girls nametag Becky.

"Hello. Can I take your order?"

"Yes. Ummm can I get a hot'N spicy....meal-" I was placing my order but was interrupted.

"The mini meal?" She asks me.

"Yes ma'am." I tell her nodding.

"Will that be all?"

"Yes that will be all." I tell her as she taps the little computer.

"Alright that will be $3.30." She tells me smacking her gum. "What's your name?"

"Carmesha." I tell her as she spells my name all wrong. I hand her the money. As she hands me a cup. I grab it and go to a drink machine. I put coke in it and lean against a column, I seen the couple from earlier as he looked like he didn't even wanna be there but she was all up on him.

"Calisha." The lady called and I knew it was me. As she gave me my bag. I checked it and it was good. I sat down in a booth.

Damn, I hope today can go faster.


I was driving home holding my head cause I had a headache from everyone. Man fuck footlocker, fuck them kids, fuck they parents, fuck them ugly ass shoes, and fuck everyone making them shoes. I still want my paycheck though.

I pull up in my driveway. I open my door. I seen Kiyah holding him as he laughs, As I smile.

"Hey stanka stanka." I call him as he reaches for me. To be only 2 he was kinda short. But he's perfect in my eyes.

"Mama look." He said pointing at his toy.

"Yeah say..toy."

"No mama." He said shaking his head. As Kiyah laughed.

"Guhhh he ain't gon listen to you he spoiled." She said smiling.

"Shut up. Stanka stanka you miss me?" I ask him.

"bye bye." He tells me. I put him down.

"Okay bye bye." I say pretending to walk away.

"Noooo! Mama stay!" He yells holding my arms out for me. I pick him up and kiss him.

Kiyah tells us bye and leaves. So it was me and Carter, I love my son to the death of me. He is all I got in the world and he's not going anywhere anytime soon. Well unless his daddy picks him up other than that he is all mine.
Right now all I'm worried about is me and mine.

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