Chapter 2

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****Hi! Second chapter when stuff actually begins to make sense! Yeah! Jk, but this chapter will explain things that were  bit confusing in the last chapter so, a large chunk of this will be a back story and the rest will be a present chapter. You will learn hat Aris looks like and what happens in her life, you also meet some new characters and learn some names. I'm not gonna give away the whole chapter so I'm gonna finish off this author's note with my usual COMMENT, VOTE, AND FOLLOW ME. Enjoy!****

Picture above is Aris 


Aris POV


"So what's happening today?"

I turned my head to see 4 guys standing together by the door of the high school. The school, located on our pack's land was for our werewolves only, all of the teachers were werewolves and it made for certain that everyone got along.

I stopped and walked over to them, my arms swinging at my sides. At age 21, I was standing at a total of 5'10", with a semi-curvy build, ripped with toned muscles along my arms, torso and legs. My long thick hair was ebony black adorned with metallic silver streaked undertones which accompanied my tanned skin which fortunately avoided the acne storm as a child and remained unflawed, for now.

My eyes were completely unique, different than anyone else in the pack, deep violet eyes. Most werewolves have green, blue, or golden eyes except our Alpha who has red eyes like all Alphas.

A lot in my life has changed since I was 11 and I made it my goal to become a Warrior. With no family left, I had no choice but to take care of myself. I was taken in by my mentor, an older warrior by the name of Cyrus. He was a strong wolf, but nearing the age of retirement.

He was a smart wolf too; our Alpha favored him a great deal even though Cyrus was a bit of hard head when it came to slowing down from his Warrior duties, our Alpha found this to be a good way to kill two birds with one stone, I get a home and Cyrus has a reason to slow down. When I made my decision to start on the path to becoming a Warrior, the Alpha sent me to live and train with Cyrus.

Cyrus, at the time was 50 years old, his once black hair was peppered with grey; his once taught face sagged the slightest with age, and his once sharp eyes were losing their sparkle. He became my father in every way. He gave me a home when mine had been brutally torn from my fingertips, taught me how to handle my problems when no one else would help, and he saw something in me that only he and our Alpha saw.


From day one when our Alpha took me to Cyrus and he opened the door and laid eyes on me, he could see the resolution in my eyes. The resolution that would lead me down the path to becoming our pack's strongest. I began my life with him and every day I became stronger, hours of training, and watching the Warriors in my own time became all I did.

After school, I came home and for five hours, Cyrus would train me to fight, we trained my physical body to its peak and then began training my wolf. Pandora was never keen on fighting, but I was not letting my wolf become some passive creature, I wanted my wolf as in shape as I was.

All Pandora talked about was finding our mate.

I hated that word, mate, I can't even say it without it feeling sour on my tongue. I could not stand the thought of someone else trying to control my life because they were my supposed "other half".

I've been fine all my years without a mate, which is unusual because I should have met him when I turned 18, but here I am 3 years later and I've never been better. That was a very awkward conversation with Cyrus had to have with me and I forced it from my mind every time I was reminded that all wolves have mates and mine would find me at one time or another. It made a sickening thought to be claimed as some horny wolf's property and at his will completely.

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