Whispered Love (HTBS)

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Okay, for those of you that are reading ShadieTree's "How to Be Straight" I apologize, but then again don't. Like sorry for this as Nic's a bit messed up, but then again we all ship them. So anyways, all the characters and such belong to the person listed above! If you enjoyed you can thank Fuzzylumpkins454 for the suggestion!

Hush baby hush, I don't want to hear your poisoned whispers anymore
No more venom for me

You were my one, you were my only
But then I woke up from our dream

To say we were perfect is a sin
To say you were my sin makes me flinch

So hush baby hush
We are done
We are through
My brain left two weeks ago and now
I do to
So hush

Mike internally groaned as the music droned on in the background of the diner. Derek was never one to be punctual and Mike knew that when he had come up with the idea of meeting up and having a guys night out. However, what he didn't know was that Derek was going to be about an hour late and here he was sitting alone in a cramped Denny's waiting for him. He felt like such an idiot. Taking a sip of his Coke before drying his hands on his jeans he prepared to call to call the waitress over.

"You didn't tell me you were coming here, my love" Nic's hot breath whispered past his ear, "I would have joined you."

Mike shivered under his presence, he felt him inches away from his back, "I was supposed to meet up with Derek."

Nic leaned over Mikes shoulder so there faces were side by side, "meeting another boy? How naughty of you, I should have known better than trust a slut like you."

"Not in front of all these people." Mike felt several pairs of eyes glued to them, in all honesty he didn't care about them. What he did care about is the fact, while unlikely, Derek could walk in any second.

Nic grunted and pulled away, "well you can escape me for now, but I don't think I can wait until we get home."

"Well I'm gonna finish my Coke and then we can discuss that" Mike bite down on the straw deliberately with his teeth. He smiled exposing his teeth and the straw.

Nic smiles cheerfully and went to the chair positioned across from Mike, "now how are you doing today?" Nic's normal bubbly attitude resurfaced.

Mike sighed, "it was going okay until Derek stood me up. Probably cause Calvin offered him something better. It's just a tiny bit aggravating that I've been sitting her for an hour waiting for him and he doesn't even appear to be showing up." Mike gritted his teeth, anger seething out of him.

Nic's hands reached around the table and covered Mikes, their eyes locking, "what does it matter? If he doesn't want you to be your friend than he isn't someone worth keeping around, even if you love him."

Mike agreed, but wasn't just going to throw their relationship out the door because he was stood up once. For all he knows, there could have been an accident of some sort. "You are correct about that, but I think I'm going to wait."

Nic furrowed his bushy eyebrows together, "I wasn't telling you to do it now, I mean I detest him and all, but I understand that you guys are friends. I was just letting you know my feelings on the matter, besides my hatred for him."

Mike shook his head, but didn't say anything more of it. "I need to get the check."

"None sense!" Nic laughed, motioning for a waitress, "I'll get it, take it as an informal date. My treat."

Once the check was settled and Mike had finished his drink the duo went outside. A cold breeze skirted it's way across the parking lot, picking up litter and leaves with it. "Damn it's cold."

Nic chuckled, "cold? This is warm! Back at home it would be freezing, like actually freezing. As in the waters frozen cold."

"Okay, okay I get it we have it nice here and I need to stop bitching about the weather." Mike put his hands in defeat, "but it is cold."

Nic rolled his eyes and smiled, "let me warm you up then." Taking Mike by the shoulders he pulled the boy closer. In a brief moment of love he kissed his cheek. The slight contact lit a firry blaze that skidded across the blinds cheeks, "better."

"No that was cheesy as all hell and cute. I hated every second of it" Mike replied. "But yes, it did."

"Well there you go."

They stopped at Mikes car under the light of a lamp post, "so I'll see you later?"

"Yeah, I have to go back in. My friend is kinda waiting for me back in there." Nic sighed, his hands stuffed in his pockets.

"You're such an idiot, I can't believe you ditched your friend to go and pay for my dinner." Mike shook his head, "you are too nice." He reached out and hugged him, "thanks."

Nic lent down so his face was buried into the warmth of Mikes neck, "it's no problem, babes. But don't think for a second that this gets you out of your punishment." Nic couldn't help but chuckle as he felt Mike twitch against his thigh, "bye mom beau."

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