Chapter 2

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After the announcement Pety Riniuva had declared, all the demons went home shocked and upset.

Above all, it was Coolhead's parents who were affected very much. They never wanted their son to go out in the fields of humanity. They have never let Coolhead stroll above the soil where human beings live.

Hallben and Delila had always locked Coolhead in his room and left him with enough Spusha.

Spusha, to make things clear is the demon's food; the demon's soul; the demons life. It is specifically from the human beings' evil deeds.

With every sin a human commits, Spusha is exposed from their bodies and these are squeezed by the demons. Spusha pollutes the Earth and it is contagious especially with the fragile human beings.

These squeezed gasses which can only be seen by demons are collected by demon workers from factories of Spushas in Hell.

The ones with weak faith, often gets their control ruled by the demons thus pushing them to make more sins.

It is the demon workers' job to collect more than ten thousand Spushas a day. It is to provide for the demand of their community and for the fear that Pety Riniuva would harm them if they will not deliver his orders.

There are Spushas that are in canned, bottled and packed in sachet for they saw how human created these ideas of presenting and selling products. Spusha keeps demons alive when there are no virgin souls to consume.

Upon hearing the announcement of Pety Riniuva, Hallben and Delila was forced to let out Cool head out of his room, out of their house and out of their lives. Delila and Hallben felt afraid that Cool head might lose his way around the Earth and fall into the trends of man, but they had no choice. Their head of state of Hell, Pety Riniuva, is the most evil, most greedy and most wicked demon among all of them and he would punish anyone that would disobey him.

"Cool head, if there is danger that you might encounter, please take care." Delila said and Hallben comforted her wife.

"I will." Cool head answered.

Coolhead was around his twenty years of existence as an only demon child, only heir and only priority of his parents. Cool head is quiet but he likes to talk. Cool head likes fun but he is always bored. He is modest and likes cleanliness in everything and every way.

The characteristic of Cool head that takes him into a big difference with other demons is that he is more to likely to get energized by guys rather than girls. He wants to be with his male friends than his girlfriends. He does not enjoy journeys with his woman companies but takes pleasure with boys even when there are no adventures. In the context of man, they might consider Cool head for a gay, a guy whom falls in love for guys particularly or with the same gender.

Cool head has a best friend, it was Krinco. He was ugly, for Cool head. He was not attractive too, but it's only for Cool head.

Cool head's heart beats only for Peenk, he had liked Peenk since they were four years old. Peenk used to live in his parent's house, his parent's left him for a mission Pety Riniuva used to give them. Cool head was dreaming only about Peenk for decades, they were classmates in the Demon Academy.

Cool head had been yearning for Peenk's dark and rough skin, his dirty smile; he likes his fangs and especially, Peenk's horn where Peenk releases shitties (demonic gas) when he is happy, annoyed, or angry. Cool head always talks about these things with his best friend, Krinco.

Cool head was almost into Peenk. When his parents let him out and gave him lots of Spusha for school, he gives it all to Peenk. Peenk is abusive and does not give Cool head anything in return, but Cool head does not care. He likes Peenk and would do anything for him. And, that makes Cool head happy.

Hell's gates are now widely opened, many of the families had left already and the guards were checking the attendance of each demon that would go out of Hell.

Many skilled demons had had come back, and they have finished their ten soul mission, it was a lot easier for them for they were trained and skilled. Cool head was hoping for a miracle, Cool head was the only demon to believe in a God.

Cool head was nearer down the line and it is his turn to cross the threshold between Hell and Earth. When he was about to jump, Cool head felt uneasy, it was his first time to leap down the cliff of Hell. Cool head wore his bag packs and wrote down his signature in the checklist in front of the guard.

"Now, jump." Shouted the guard.

"Wait. I think I forgot something."

"You demon! I said jump."

Cool head was about to jump but the guard pushed him. Cool head felt like he has been stabbed straight in the heart by Peenk.

It was like flying, flying but downward. Demons have wings but they don't look like one, they look like a piece of old clothing used for mapping the floor. Well, in the human context.

It was like falling hard.

A minute went through when Cool head felt his feet on the ground. Cool head fell down on a convenience store. He saw these weird dick-looking ice creams which he thought were potion ingredients for poisoning minds. Cool head saw the different brands of beers. Cool head saw the cigarettes which he was familiar with; he knows evil men use it for their pleasure and not for their need. He saw a man and walked towards him.

He asked the store owner,

"Hi, do you know where can I find virgin souls?"

"Fuck. You must be drunk, go forth to the restaurant near Othagale Street. Many busy virgins are waiting for you there."

"Oh, really? But, where can I find Othagale Street?"

"Just look around, outside."

Cool head wanted to ask for more information but the lady behind him was eager to pay in the counter. He went outside the store and tried to cry.

"I should have asked my mom for a map. Idiot."

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