Chapter Eighteen

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*one month later*

Katrina was about to head upstairs when she heard a knock on the door. She looks around for her father but didn't see him. She shrugged and opened the door. The was a man standing there. He had brown Elvis Presley hair and a brown ninja GI.

"Hey, kiddo," he said in a smooth voice. "I'm looking for the ninja."

"Well, you've come to the right place," Katrina said.

"Who are you then?"

"I could ask the same question," Katrina countered.

"The name's Dareth, Sensei Dareth."

"Oh I've heard my dad talk about you," Katrina smiled. "KatrinaFlamey at your service."

"Hey, I didn't know Kai had a kid," Dareth chuckled.

"He has two," Katrina said innocently. "My little brother Luke."

"Well I'll be darned," Dareth laughed. "Ya know, I didn't come to stand outside."

"Oh sorry! Come inside," Katrina motioned.

Katrina led him through the monastery and into the training room.

"Kyle, do you know were the adults are?" Katrina asked.

"Kyle! I remember Kyle! You were just a baby!"

"Okay, who are you?" Kyle asked slightly creeped out.

"Dareth!" Lloyd shouted in surprise. "What brings you here."

"Just thought I would pay my favorite ninja a visit," he laughed. "Met Kai's kid."

"Dada," Haden shouted running in the room. "I thirsty."

"Okay, I'm starting to loose track already," Dareth said scratching his head at Haden.

"C'mon, I'll introduce you to the family," Lloyd offered. "Kyle, Katrina, go gather everyone in the living room."

They obeyed and Lloyd got Haden his drink. He chatted with Dareth as they waited. Dareth was just finishing bragging about his new trophy when everyone showed up.

"Holy shark tanks," Dareth exclaimed. "That's a lot of kids."

"Kai, introduce your family and we will go from there," Lloyd said.

"You know Skylor. Meet my daughter Katrina and son Luke," Kai said pointing in turn. Luke made a happy gurgling sound when he heard his name.

"Son Jason and daughter Natalie," Jay said.

"You know Kyle. Meet Stephanie," Zane said.

"What about you Cole," Dareth asked. "Who is this?"

"This is my girlfriend Amaya," Cole said.


Cole was confused for a second and then realized he was talking about the baby.

"Oh! No no no no no," Cole said putting his hands out. "This isn't my baby."

"Then wha-?"

"Baby is mine," Ronin said.

Poor Dareth looked absolutely confused and they all laughed at his plight.

"But you just said she was your girlfriend," Dareth said. "And she is pregnant with Ronin's baby?"

"It's a long story," Ronin said.

"It's not my baby either," Amaya explained. "Ronin's wife Emily um- well- she passed away a few months ago. Before she died Zane was able to move the baby to me."

"Gee, I'm sorry Ronin," Dareth said awkwardly. "That's hard."

Ronin just nodded. He got up and left the room. Amaya looked after him sadly.

"Well, I uh- haven't introduced my family yet. You know Aira but these are my eldest. The twins, Aira and Xavier. Then we have Haden here." Lloyd smiled and pulled Aira close. He put a hand on her stomach. "And this is either James or Jacqueline."

"What?!" Cole asked incredulously.

"Baby number four," Aira laughed and gave Lloyd a high five.

"That was an interesting way to announce it!" Kai said.

"We were going to tell you all tonight but I thought since we were introducing people," Lloyd shrugged. "Might as well."

"Oh heavens," Garmadon laughed. "Four kids!"

"Well looks like you all have been busy busy busy," Dareth said. "I have been busy but not in that area. I have been busy keeping the dojo running. Protecting Ninjago."

Kai rolled his eyes and received a smack on the arm from Skylor.


"By Sensei's beard," Lloyd sighed plopping onto their bed. "He sure is long winded."

"I thought I was long winded," she giggled.

"You sure can be."

"Hey!" She laughed.

"Mom! Haden threw up!" Julia yelled from the next room.

"Oh no. If Haden gets sick then all the other kids will get sick and then all the parents will get sick," Lloyd groaned.

"Well, at least last time Kai kept it contained," Aira said exiting the room.

Lloyd sighed and got ready for bed. He was just about to get into bed when Xavier came in.

"Hey, bud, what's wrong?"

"I keep having scary dreams," Xavier said in a sheepish voice.

"What kind of scary dreams?" Lloyd asked getting down on one knee in front of him.

"Just dark things. Shadows and scary faces," Xavier sniffed. "Is this because of that scary magic man?"

"Xavier, you need to trust Daddy okay?"

"Okay," Xavier nodded. "But I shouldn't be scared. You don't get scared and I want to be like you."

"Xavier, Wanna know something?"


"Daddy gets scared sometimes," Lloyd whispered.

"You? About what?"

"Lots of things. It's normal to be scared of things. It's when you let your fear control you that you become a coward. Daddy was very scared when that man attacked you," Lloyd said.

"But you're big and strong," Xavier said with disbelief.

"Thanks, Bud," Lloyd laughed. "But even the strongest guys get scared. Especially if their family is being threatened. Do you want to sleep in here tonight?"

Xavier nodded and crawled up into bed next to Lloyd. Lloyd and Xavier drifted off quickly. Aira came in after taking care of sick Haden. She pulled out a portable crib and placed him in it. Julia didn't want to be alone so had made a bed on the floor next to her parents bed. Aira chuckled at the sight. She got into bed careful not to wake anyone and turned out the lights. She had an amazing family and she loved them.

A/n- Hope you enjoyed!! -LL_17

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