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•Amy's POV•
(One month later)

I took a step into the building and walked to a tall male crocodile. "Hi, I'm here to see Sonic The Hedgehog." I told him with a smile. "Sonic? The new one? Well, alright ma'am... Follow me..." The tall croc walked me over to set of chairs. He walked over to a microphone and called in Doctor Tails.

"Sonic's doctor and psychiatrist will be here in a moment." The croc said and went back to his post near the doorway. "Thank you, Sir." I smiled and waved as he turned away.

After Sonic had told me about the killings I told him we needed to tell the police. He was scared, and so I. Once we told the police they took Sonic to the temporary jail cell. He was deemed too dangerous to leave, even with me by his side.

I wasn't able to see him for the first five hours until his court date was assigned. Once it was assigned I ran to his cell. I still remember how scared he was.


"Amy!" Sonic stretched his arm out of the cell and grabbed my hand. "Oh, Sonic... are you okay?" I held his hand in both of my hands and stared into his scared green eyes. "I'm fine... are you okay? They aren't putting you in jail, right?" He asked me. "No, they aren't. I'm a witness in the court." Sonic squeezed my hand. "Wh-What are you gonna say?" He asked.

"The truth." I told him. "Sonic... you have to plead insanity, okay? Maybe they won't kill you then. I'll visit you everyday in the asylum. I'll only leave to get food, go to school, go to my job, and to sleep."

Sonic nodded at me. "It's not how I wanted our relationship to be, but anything is better then nothing..."

•End Flashback•

So, once the court ruled him guilty for insanity, he was sent to this insane asylum. They said until a month passed I shouldn't see him. So I wrote to him everyday. Sadly, he wasn't always allowed to write back.

"Amy Rose?" My ears perked up as a yellow fox called my name. "Yes, I'm here." I stood up and shook the foxes hand. "Hi, I'm Sonic's doctor. His psychiatrist is getting him. Follow me to the office." I followed Dr. Tails to the elevator and we went up to the top floor.

"So, you're Sonic's girlfriend?" He asked me. "Yup" I responded immediately. "You're the only thing giving him hope, you know?"

I tilted my head to the side. "He doesn't talk much." Dr. Tails explained. "He rarely even acknowledges our presence. But when we brought up your name, he was involved in the conversation."

"Oh, so... how has he been? Other then the not talking. You guys aren't hurting him, right?" I asked him, wanting a change in subject. "Of course not, Sonic is well taken of. We're here to get him ready for the world again. We wouldn't hurt Sonic unless he became aggressive."

I nodded, not knowing what else to do. "Would you like a drink?" Tails asked me. "Yes, thank you Dr. Tails." I responded and took a seat on the sofa he had.

In front of the sofa was a small coffee table and then there was Dr. Tails' chair pointing towards the sofa. Everything in the office was red, dark brown, or white.

I wished Sonic and his psychiatrist would hurry up and get here. Just as I said that the door slowly creaked open.

"Come on, Sonic. She's in here." A female's voice spoke. I stood up, too excited to sit. The door opened up all the way and Sonic walked in slowly.

The female was a somewhat skinny hedgehog. Three puffy quills that looked like bangs were in front of her ears. Her quills were a light blue while her fur looked a lot like Sonic's own fur.

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