Chapter 3 Wendsday

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"So comfortable. Don't want to move. Let me just stay here and shower in her scent." I begged and covered my head in blankets.

"Rise and shine! I already have breakfast made!" I heard Amy's voice call. A smile crept onto my face as I sat up. "What deliciousness have you prepared today?" I asked her in my head.

I walked over to the kitchen table and I saw pancakes spread out on a big plate. "Th-They look good." I stuttered. "Dang it, don't stutter! That's not attractive!" I scolded myself.

"I hope so, I spent hours perfecting this recipe." Amy smiled at me. My insides melted at her sight. I felt hollow as butterflies filled my stomach.

I walked to her table and smiled as she gave me two pancakes on a plate.

I was exhausted from last night. A few minutes after I had closed my eyes I remembered that the boy I had trapped, was in my closet still. I had to find his body before police found it. I was surprised they hadn't found it already. Once I had disposed of his body I went back to Amy's apartment.

I had checked her room to make sure she was still asleep and comfortable.

"Sonic?" I lifted up my head when I heard Amy. Her hand was on my arm and she was staring straight into my eyes. "How long has this been going on? When did I zone out?" I thought nervously.

"If you didn't want to hear me talk you could've just said so." Amy giggled at me and removed her hand.

"N-No! I-I wasn't trying to ignore you! I just got-got distracted!" I was so scared now. What if she actually got upset? What had I missed?

"Hey, it's alright, Sonic. It was just a joke." Amy smiled and took her empty plate to her sink. My body felt like it was on fire. I wanted to know what she had said!

"Hey Amy...uh, y-you could still tell me what you said b-before?" I stuttered. "Don't stutter! You idiotic blue hog!" I yelled at myself angrily.

I kicked my leg from under the table.

"Well, I was just saying that if you needed anything I'd be here. You've been through a lot, and I want you to be well taken of." She smiled warmly at me.

I chuckled and blushed. "Th-Thank you, Amy." I stuttered again, but I spoke quietly so she wouldn't hear it as well.

"The bus is going to be here in about half an hour. What do you want to do?" Amy asked me. My mind raised with ideas. I had to think of something she'd enjoy.

"Television, talk, get to know each other better, share phone numbers."

I must've been staring into space the entire time, because Amy was waving her hands in my face.

I blinked many times before I apologized repeatedly.

"It's okay, Sonic." Amy giggled as my face grew red. "Why are you apologizing?" She asked me. "I-I wasn't listening again! I-I was thinking about what to do, and I completely forgot about you! I'm so sorry!"

"Please don't kick me out..." I begged and crossed my fingers.

Amy grinned at me kindly. "Sonic, everything will be okay. I'm not mad at you. You have no need to apologize to me."

"I always need to apologize. You deserve to be apologized to. I can't be rude to you...I'd kill myself if I were rude."

"How about we just watch TV? Do you like the news?" She asked me. I nodded, not dating to speak. I didn't wish to embarrass myself further.

We sat on her love-seat and I felt our shoulder and legs touch slightly. It was enough to send electricity through my body.

It felt weird sometimes. A simple touch sent shivers up my spine. That never happened with anyone other then Amy. Other times it was amazing. Her touch made me feel alive! Those shivers weren't scary, instead soothing and comforting.

I had a feeling Amy and I will be spending a lot of time together. I hope she'll like being around me. I like being around her, it only makes sense that she'd like being with me. Right?

"Ten young teenagers found dead-"

My head shot up towards the television.

"All male, 16-18, no suspects yet. No evidence was left, it could anyone. Be careful out there."

I began to sweat nervously as Amy shook her head. She hadn't seen the faces, she didn't know they were from our school.

"Those's terrible. Those boys probably had a big life ahead of them." Amy sighed and stood up. "I'll be right back." She said and went to her room.

I quickly grabbed the remote and searched for another channel.

•Bus Stop•

Amy and I sat about one human body apart. My hand was in the space between us. I was hoping her hand would slide over mine.

"Maybe if I got closer..." I scooted a little closer and my hand was closer to hers now.

Just as my hand was about to touch hers the bus pulled up. I thought about every single bad word to describe that bus and it's driver.

On the bus ride I sat with Amy and her friends. Amy told them about the predicament I was in. They were skeptical for a moment before saying they trusted her judgement. I thanked them, even though I didn't care about their opinions.

I only payed attention to their conversation because Amy was the leader of the conversation. "So Amy, any boys you've got your eyes on?" Rouge asked her and my ears stood up slightly.

"Maybe, but I wouldn't tell." Amy grinned.

"Please let it be me...please...please...please." I was actually praying with my hands together. I wanted Amy to adore me like I adored her. No boundaries, no privacy, the love wouldn't stop. I'd tell her everything, the full truth, no lying.

I hadn't realized the bus had stopped until Cream pulled on my arm. I saw that Amy was waiting for me outside. I quickly got up and shoved my way off the bus to her side.

"Sorry I made you wait." I apologized to her. "It's alright" Amy responded. We began to walk together while Rouge and Cream waited for Blaze.

"So close..." Our hands were centimeters apart. I could easily grab hers. I was that close. I could hold her hand...just a little further...

"ROSE!" Came an angry yell from behind us. I immediately wanted to kill whoever yelled. No one yells at Amy, and no one interrupts my plans. Amy groaned as we both turned around to face whoever had yelled.

A tall black and red hedgehog grinned at Amy. My entire body tensed. "Mine...don't you dare touch what is mine!" I wanted to scream at him.

"Hi Shadow..." Amy said, in an annoyed tone. "She hates him too? I can kill him easier then..."

A small grin appeared on my face.

That grin was quickly wiped off with anger and disgust. Shadow had locked his arms with Amy and I hissed under my breath. "I'll kill him tonight...after school lets out..."

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