Chapter 4 Thursday

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My hands twitched as I tried to not kill Shadow where he stood.

"So baby, wanna go to the roof?" Shadow asked Amy.

Amy growled lowly at him. "Rather not. Sonic was walking me to class, and I don't want to be late." She said and she locked her arm with mine. I gasped slightly when I could feel her body touching mine each few steps.

"Are you okay?" I whispered to her.

"Yeah, Shadow's just annoying sometimes. He's a typical boy." She sighed.

"He'll be a dead one soon." I thought to myself. "Sonic, I was wondering if you could actually walk me to class. I don't want you to be late, but I don't feel safe around that boy."

Outside, I was cool and collected. Inside, I was having a rage party and bouncing off the walls.

"Sure, I'd love to. Who cares if I'm late, I've been late before." I told her and she grinned. "Thanks, Sonic." She said to me.

Lunch Time:

"I need to kill him..." I thought as I sat down at a lunch table. I growled and clutched the lunch tray.

Shadow was staring at Amy from afar. I kept growling at him until I couldn't contain my anger.

"He wants to take her from me!! I'm going to kill him! Amy doesn't get a choice! She's mine!"

I stood up and put on a fake smile. I approached Amy's table and tapped her shoulder. Out of the corner of my eye I could see Shadow's angry expression.

"Hey Sonic, I was looking for you. Wanna sit here?" Amy smiled and elbowed her friend in the side. Her friend groaned and moved down one until a seat was open for me. "Yeah, sure!" I smiled at her.

"Okay, I'm doing great. What now?"

My courage and anger had decreased as soon as I sat beside Amy. "So Sonic, how's your apartment building looking?" Rouge asked me and rubbed her side. "Uh...good? I haven't really looked at it." I told her honestly. "Oh...uhm..." Rouge was obviously feeling uncomfortable about the conversation. Amy glared at Rouge and Blaze. Blaze was the next to look at me.

"So what about a job? Do you have a car?" She asked me. "Eh, kinda. I do have a job, and I use rentals."

Amy smiled at me; happy her friends and I were getting along. "What's your favorite class so far?" Amy asked me.

"Uh...I guess...I guess it's P.E." I stuttered. As Amy opened her mouth to speak something hard hit the back of my head.

I growled and whipped around to see Shadow and his buddies laughing. I looked at the ground to see an apple. The entire cafeteria went silent when I picked up the apple. I chucked it across in Shadows face.

He clutched his nose and hissed at me. Soon, the cafeteria was in a huge food fight.

My anger grew as I looked for harder, deadlier foods to throw at Shadow. I hadn't noticed Amy had left until the principal walked in and grabbed my wrist, along with Shadows.

"Can't believe this faker! Now I have clean the entire cafeteria with him!" I wanted to punch him in the face so hard! We had to stay after school and clean the entire cafeteria. No one was there except us now.

"Later Sonic, it'll be okay...he'll be out of your life soon." I swept up some mashed potatoes as Shadow swept up smushed chips.

"This is all your fault, you know?" Shadow said to me.

"How so? Your the own stealing my girl."

Shadow immediately burst into laughter. "Amy? Your girl? She's never be into someone like you! Weak, lonely, idiotic, she'd be better off with the wolves then you!" I growled and stood up.

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