TDSOM - Chapter 4 Part II

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© 2013 Jerace2

Chapter 4 Part II

[Dmitri’s POV]

“What the fuck do you mean she’s not going to wake up?” My fist collided with the wall. Blood seeping out but I didn’t care. The pain couldn’t be compared to what Myra was going through.

“Alpha, you must understand. There’s simply too much silver inside of her. I’ve already pumped out as much as I can and the healer has also done her best. There’s nothing else we can do but rest assured that there’s still a slim chance for her to wake up.” Mike said, looking at me in fear as well as empathy.

“Slim? What do you mean by slim? Can’t you guys just give her a medicine to wake her up instantly? I know the healer can, can’t she?” I took a step towards the Healer, but Mike shoved her behind him, putting his hand out.

“We’re really sorry Alpha, but we’ve done our best—“

“What do you mean you’ve done your best? She’s The Healer for God’s sake! A healer is supposed to heal people. Am I wrong to say that?” They shook their head. “Then why isn’t she healing her? Why can’t she just do some magic on her and get her back on her feet?”

They shook their head again, looking guilty like there’s something hiding from me. There had to be a reason why Myra wasn’t waking up after The Healer’s healing session. There has to be...

“W-We can’t—“

“Spill it Mike. Say it before you regret keeping that secret from me.” I growled menacingly, baring my canines out.

Mike looked at that elderly woman before turning to me. He sighed, “We’ve detected poison in the large amount of sliver being injected into her system. We can’t tell what poison is that exactly but there’s no cure to it. The dose was just too much for the Luna to take.”

Instantly, my hand went around his neck, banging him up against the wall. “I don’t care what you do. I. Want. Her. Back. In. My. Life. Do I make myself clear?” I gritted my teeth together.

He nodded as beads of perspiration dripped from his forehead. I released him, ordering, “Go find out what poison it is and get back to me fast.” Gathering his things, he then left with the healer.

I turned and sat beside Myra, holding onto her cold and stiff hands. Bringing them to my lips, I kissed them softly. Seeing her so vulnerable and pale hurt my wolf so badly. My heart was literally breaking and my wolf wasn’t responding to this situation. He wasn’t howling in pain or anything. There was nothing coming from him at all.

“Please baby…” I sniffled. “I need you to wake up for me Myra. I love you…”

With that, I broke down. I let it all out. Tears poured down my face as pure agony filled my insides. The guilt and regret swelled as I recalled the scene- the look on her face when I cradled her in my lap. God… Why did she have to be so selfless? Why did she have to save me from that? I should’ve been the one laying down here now, not her!

I couldn’t believe everything that had just happened within three hours. It was just three freaking hours for a really sweet dream to become a truly horrific nightmare. The mating was supposed to be perfect and our future was supposed to be bright and hopeful! But why must it change? Why must this happen to my beautiful Myra?

We know why! My wolf growled out lowly.

There’s only one thing in my mind right now.

Garrett Walter is going to pay for ruining everything!


[Jeremy’s POV]

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