Chapter Thirteen: After Two Years

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I woke up to the sound of something beeping, then the smell of burning food invaded my nose, oh lord, not again. As I got to the bottom of the stairs I heard Aunt Tully start laughing.

"Oh Sam, you really should be more careful" I stopped and smiled, they don't need me in there. Sam turned ten two weeks ago, and thinking back I almost smiled again, he is a lot happier here, there is no town for hours and Tully home schools him, we moved here not long after the incident. Jonathan and Sebastian live just outside of our boarder, they bring us fresh game every few weeks, we grow our own food, and we left no trace of where we went.

Another bang from the kitchen brought me from my thoughts and into the real world, I walked back up to my room getting changed and grabbing a book, I slipped through the small door hidden behind my bookshelf and into the glass room on the roof, Sam has been looking for a way in since we moved here. The last two years have been peaceful, I realise it won't last, but I also don't want to think about when it will end.

~hey Ree, come down to the water, you need to see this~ I sighed as Jonathan cut me off before I could even respond, but I did what he asked anyway.

Seeing him and Seb sitting by the water was odd, they hated water, I walked over trying not to make too much noise, Jonathan looked at me as I walked over to him motioning only very slightly towards Seb, it wasn't until he moved I got the full idea, because in his arms there was a very small bundle of a baby, with a bright gold tail, her barely there hair has streaks of gold through black, sitting my hand on her tail I took a peak in her mind, one, the girl is one.

I saw a dead merman laying in the water claw marks down the centre of his chest, I looked his over, this was a warning, someone wasn't happy I had let a cousin of the blood line of the current rule take the crown until the two years is up.

"What are you going to do" I looked at Jonathan, a small smile spreading to my lips

"Why don't we start by raising her" Sebastian smiled handing the small
Bundle to me, I willed her to change and to my surprise, her tail disappeared.

"You know Ree Ree, this means she needs a name, and her father needs a burial" Jonathan smirked at me, oh Poseidon.

"Well from what I saw in her mind, her father called her Rylan"

"I like Rylan" Sebastian nodded along with him, it wasn't until then that I frowned

"Did he say anything before he died, there must be a reason they where bringing her to land" they both shook their heads and left me praying to the gods I wasn't right as I walked towards the house.


Okay so I now realise that I can't just accept the challenge of raising a child, I actually need supplies, so here I am in the middle of a giant mall, trying really hard not to look lost.

"Excuse me miss, do you need some help" I looked at the guy who had approached me, he wasn't wearing any sort of uniform and he looked like he had stepped out of Greek gods weekly.

"Oh um, you see, I have to take care of my sister and she is just a baby, and I don't know where that area is" I let a small smile slip to my lips as he smiled

"I'll show you, so, do you live in town I've never seen you here before" I shrugged as I noticed him take a deep breath through his nose

"I'm kind of new to the area" he nodded as I started stocking up on enough baby supplies to last at least the month

"So do you live in town or..." I shook my head

"No I live a far way out actually" he nodded again, I tried not to take his earlier actions into account as I finished grabbing baby supplies, seeing the powdered milky stuff I grabbed a few tins of that as I walked past, I made a bee line towards the counter hoping the stranger would go away, but not to my hopes, he followed

"You know I never got your name" I looked at him and smiled

"Lil" he smiled

"Austin" I smiled back before I put my stuff up on the counter.

I was standing at my car loading my groceries when the next strange thing happened, about four men, all tall muscular and intimidating started walking towards me. I quickly grabbed the last three things and flung them into the boot, God this was a horrible idea.

I made my way around the other side of the car, the reflection of the Men just a meter away in the window I fumbled with the handle and jumped in the car slamming the door. The men where mere centimetres from grabbing the door when I shoved my foot on the accelerator, I heard the growl over the noise of my engine and tried not to freak out.

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