Chapter Twelve: Forgiveness, Never, I'll Just Beat Him

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I looked at his retreating figure and sighed

"I wish he wasn't her mate, it's a disgrace, they didn't even confer with lucifer, I mean, they killed his father, and left him in charge, why not confer with him on something that influences him as well" I looked at Jonathan who was currently sulking in the corner

"I just can't believe he cheated on her, my baby, and I wondered why she wasn't healing, well now we know, to break a mermaids heart, it's really a disgrace, his goddess would be disgusted, ree is too proud to even confront him, he finished up with that chick then went to see who or what had crossed his border, after that he couldn't even sense it was her, he's already damaged the bond beyond repair. and now he hangs around our property to make sure she survives so when he's finished with his stupid games he has something to fall back on" I could sense the pain from Jonathan, I needed to see Tully, she would fix this, she knew something was wrong that's why she came back, I need to get her over here, not only for Ree but for my beloved as well.


As I walked across the border I didn't even flinch it was sticky like something clinging to your skin, as soon as its sensed it was me the feeling disappeared, she was keeping him out, but why, suddenly I had the answer

"HOW DARE YOU" I flinched at her voice, even the border patrols was a little scared as they approached me

"What are you doing here" I looked at the man at the front of the patrols his eyes dull and bags settled under his eyes like black chalk

"I'm here to see Tullara" the man went tense

"Do you want to die, the young alpha just got the shit beat out of him, I mean, I wouldn't blame her, just because he's an alpha dosent give him the right to disrespect his mate and our Luna" I froze mid stride and looked him dead in the eyes

"What do you mean" he shook his head and started walking

"He's had girls going in and out of his palace all morning, didn't even think twice, came home mumbling about some asshole vampires and went straight at it, no respect, if I where his mate, he would be as good as dead" I shook my head and balled my fists, rage curled in my stomach and I was filled with a sudden blood lust, Jonathan is the angel, all no violence, well this boy, is about to meet lucifers right hand man, literally. Stalking off the guy didn't even try to stop me, when I got to his room there was two girls sitting in the corner while a woman with golden hair and almost Fluorescent blue eyes had Aiden pinned to the wall of his room, in all his glory, I stopped at the door and set my eyes on the girls, his dress shirts hanging open off their bodies, they both went tense and fled the room without stoping to get their clothes. The women turned her head ever so slightly and took a deep breath

"Ah, Sebastian hunny, how is Jonathan"

"Not as good as he could be, that's why I left him at home while I came to settle some business" a small smirk formed one her lips

"Go ahead, but remember, he's human now, we aren't allowed to hurt him too much, are we" I felt the smirk play at mine as she handed control to me and his face turned to horror

"Your gonna regret this" was all that came out of his mouth

"No, I think I'll just enjoy it" launching my fist forwards I felt a satisfying thump as it met with his ribs

"Did you know, when a mermaid forms a bond, they get a tattoo, this binds them to you, therefore, they can feel everything you do, but ten times worse, but the down part is, it only works with pain, so when you screw another girl, Or cheat on them in general, they feel the opposite of plesure except the fact, that they are feeling that much sorrow, I don't know it makes the pain they feel instead of pleasure about fifty times worse, so, I'm going to make you feel more pain than your puny body can handle" I saw the fear flash across his eyes as I brought my fist down time and time again, not leaving a price of skin unbruised or a single part of his body working properly, then with all the force I could muster, I kicked him where his Crown Jewels hide.

"Come along Sebastian, I want to see the little darling" with one last kick we left the room.

When we where out of the house and making a clear line for the boarder we finally spoke

"You sure let loose on him in there, I was a little scared you where going to kill him" I looked at her out the corner of my eye

"I was considering it, but that would just cause lillare more pain than it's worth" she seemed to realise something as she spoke next

"When did you finally meet the darling, I haven't heard anything from her parents in years, almost three or four actually, I'm surprised that they are back and didn't beat him into submission themselves, I mean what you did won't heal for at least a month especially not while all of his wolves abilities fade" this time I did look at her, and the smile on her face faded very fast

"You don't know, but, Jonathan almost went crazy trying to find you, I thought that he had when he finally came home" she frowned slightly

"I'm only found when I want to be Sebastian, you know that, her parents are the only ones I answer to when I'm in hiding, the last I herd from them they needed a place to stay" she suddenly stopped "I need to talk to Jonathan" and just like that, she was moving with inhuman speed until she had passed through the boarder and was sitting on the bed in mine and Jonathan's room while he continued to sulk in the corner

"They're dead" that was the last thing I heard Jonathan say before a sudden scream came from Lillares room and I was trailing very closely behind a freaking Jonathan

"What happened, is she okay" Larissa, was standing there her hands held lillare's as tears flowed down her cheeks, Larissa's eyes went wide as they  traveled down lillare, when I saw her wrist my body went rigid, the absence of his wolf was making the detachment harder on her broken body, the skin couldn't heal as it tried to burn the link from her very body.

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