Chapter Eleven: A Disgrace To The Gods

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I had no choice, I need to kill him, his trace is still etched into her skin, she won't be able to live unless he dies

"Young one, this is a task for me, I am sorry for the trouble caused" looking to the side of me an old man with a silvering beard and bald head, his robes flowed around him as if carrying the winds

"Merlel, what are you doing here" a man walked out of the forest his short black hair tipped silver with age

"Cleaning up my mess, a mess you so stupidly created" the warlocks eyes flashed red "you could have and still might kill our all queen, if this happens I will personally show you eternal damnation" the younger warlocks eyes went wide

"All queen, what do you mean, she isn't fabled to be born for another twelve hundred years" Merlel looked down at the earth beneath his feet

"The history books have been re written, no one not even lucifer knew what had happened. we only checked after we felt her power surge not long ago" the younger warlock dropped to his knees, and clasped his hands in the soil

"Aragorison aral omerack Merlel aborol sanse (in the name of Merlel, I release thee) I am so sorry, so so sorry" his body dropped to the ground and disappeared as did Merlel

"That was pretty weird huh" I looked at Sebastian who was walking out of the house "she's fine now, those pretty little scars aren't going anywhere though, she's fresh out of luck there" he stopped and looked down shaking his head "lucifer was the first to find out, he summoned me the other day, that's the reason I disappeared, he told me about the books then went to tell the high counsel, he told me to take care of her, I told him it was too late, it's sad really, he Is quite a gentlemen, nothing like his father was, he was the one who put the sea back together again, funny really"

Aidens walked out at that moment his skin pale, obviously the fight to contain his wolf and take back his body drained him, he looked up and spoke

"I thought they said that THEY check after THEY felt the power surge" I laughed at his ignorance, his world revolved around his own species

"No one God, can create a whole species, lucifer has a hand in everything, so of course, he feels all that the earth feels before any of the other gods, he was already on his way To them, when they felt her power, and as it goes, he's the one who keeps the records" he shook his head

"You should have seen his outrage when they pared her with you, ignorant, petty, arrogant, stupid, disgraceful, immature, I could go on forever but what's the use, you where too busy sleeping around to realise, she was running for her life for over four years, your father tried to wake you up the day they left, but you only thought about yourself, I had to watch my beloved wait for a girl I knew nothing about to come home, wait for her to find her soul link was a stupid, wer, who only cares about himself, and if she didn't wake up, he'd have a new Luna in a second, if you hurt her, I will, destroy you" Sebastian took a step closer with every word, he had started coming with me to see Lucifer not long after I first told him about my past with the God, he was like a father to me before the Melcasts took me in

"Come back inside, it won't do any good, he didn't even try to protect her, he was too busy with that slut from his pack to even tell them he'd found his Luna already, she felt it, she just won't say anything, she's too proud for that, to let anyone know she's in pain, especially from someone as petty as you" I pulled Sebastian into a hug she was awake and I needed to see her, Larissa must have told Sebastian about her scars cause I could tell from his scent he hadn't been in her room, "she needs time to rest, and if I'm correct, your aunt is on her way to your territory, better run home, little kitten" we walked him leave his head dropping and his shoulders slouched his body shaking slightly, there was no wolf scent on him, his wolf was gone, he was no longer her mate, as soon as he was off our territory we walked inside, my hand trembling on Sebastian's.

Oh god I feel like I'm confusing you by trying to fix it, I'm trying to make up for not updating for ages and I hope you can forgive me, I have a few short chapters because I'm not feeling right but you know, being sick isn't gonna stop my roll right now or the fact it's almost one am

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