Ch1 Darkness and Evil

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This event occurs when the Z Fighters defeated Majin Buu and When Aizen was defeated by the Soul Reapers.

Please Enjoy!

Aizen P.O.V

My reign has ended with defeat from losing my followers to ending up being taken out by a mere child. "This will not stand. I may have lost the war with the Arrancars. All I need is new and more powerful people. People who can be more powerful than an Arrancar,a mere Soul Reaper, and even surpass me!"

The thoughts in my head continues to swirl around on how I could find a way to gain more powerful threats to the Soul Society and even Ichigo Kurosaki. One thing came to Aizens mind and that was he used to be the most powerful thing in his universe but what about another universe. "It is my only other option to take this risk, but how am I supposed to escape this bind." All Aizen had to do is wait for the right time he gets the chance to escape.

A few days later

Ichigo P.O.V

"Ichigo!" I was startled by the midget soul reaper that lives with me at my own house and sleeps in my closet. "We have a problem." "What's the problem! Is it a hollow!" "No, it's an emergency in the Soul Society! Ever since we defeated Aizen there has been a breach of hollows running a muck at the Soul Society!" "Alright Rukia let's get ready! It be better if you and me go to help out and let everyone else rest up." Rukia seemed hesitant about this decision but she accepted it. "Alright it would be better if our friends rest up since the war." I then smiled at her, "Let's go Rukia!"

Two Hours Later

Rukia P.O.V

Me and Ichigo arrived at the Soul Society and saw a huge amount of hollows running all over the Soul Society. "I was also informed that if this keeps up we'll have to start dealing with Menos Grandes or even Gillians." Ichigo then gave me a reassuring look and said, "Don't worry Rukia! I won't let that happen." We then split up to help out other Soul Reapers.

I then met up with Renji while he was fighting a bunch of hollows. I attacked one hollow that was close to hitting Renji. "Rukia! Looks like you came to visit on the wrong time." I then punched Renji in the gut and said, "You idiot I came here to help out with this hollow infestation." Renji then spoke, "Well you didn't have to punch me! Anyways is Ichigo here too?" I smiled at Renji, "He sure is here and ready to fight." Renji then smiled back at me, "Alright you ready for this fight?!" I responded, "Let's go!"

I fought so many hollows as I remembered Ichigo's quote "Let's go Rukia!" It made me have a warmth feeling in my cheeks. I then smiled remembering Ichigo and his enthusiastic quote. Once I continued to defeat hollows one Menos Grande appeared right in front of me. "Crap. Sode no Shirayuki! Tsugi no mai Hakuren!" One strange thing I noticed was that the Menos used a cero but aimed it at the ground and kept shooting till it made contact with a cell prison.

I was able to kill the Menos Grande but realized I should have killed it sooner. "That prison cell was....No!" I rushed there to the open crater and found nothing but a chair with loosened straps. "Aizen is.." I then felt a hand hit my neck and I was then beginning to fall unconscious. "I'll let you live but you won't be as lucky if you and your friend Ichigo cross paths with me again."

Aizen P.O.V

"I'm free and now it's time for me to search for beings of evil and destruction." I see a sereite open up and I use my sonido to move into the sereite. I controlled my reishie to move the sereite I was in. I tried to find a stronger feeling of reishie but I then found a very strange and unique amount of reishie in the new universe I discovered.

The feeling came from this universe's version off the underworld know as hell. "It seems like a very faint amount of reishie but filled with evil and darkness. It's strange their reishie feels unstable. These people will be the ones to help me rule the Soul Society and Hueco Mundo." I then walk out of the sereite and see a group of people or aliens surrounding a giant glass orb. I then interrupted their little show and introduced myself. "Hello, my name is Sosuke Aizen." The completely white and purple alien then responded along with a green bug looking alien. "I am Lord Frieza one of the strongest beings in the universe." "And I am Cell the perfect creation in the universe."

These two are extremely powerful than most regular hollows and mere Soul Reapers. "I am here to ask for your help. I have similar intentions on ruling my own universe. With the help of your power then we'll be able to rule your own universe." Then Cell responded, "It seems you are just as powerful as we are but you may be a little bit more further above then we are." I felt I've gained the trust of these alien power houses. Frieza then spoke, "Their is one problem, we are trapped here in hell for eternity. How do you expect to get us out?" I then began to think about it and then opened the sereite. "This your way out."

Cell and Frieza were right behind me while others followed as well and were know as Dr. Gero, The Ginyu Force, and Bobbidi. Bobbidi then stepped up in front of me and said, "Excuse me Mr. Aizen but it would also be more help if we have more powerful people that you may know?" I then responded to the little wizard, "I do but it seems I would need your help to make help." He then responds with a smirk, "I can help you make them stronger." I then smiled and responded, "We shall see what you can do not to make a warrior but a powerful tool." We all then entered the sereite and made our way to Hueco Mundo.

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