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26th August, 2015: Evening.

The Silverman parents knew when to have a dinner, especially when there was so much tension in the room and Helena Silverman just cut her steak and ate it.

"This is tasty." She complimented her food and smiled at her guests, some were happy but two were burning holes into their plates. "How's life Jason?" She asked and he coughed.

"It's going great." He hesitated and said and Tasha held his hand that was lying on the table and he coughed and removed it. "I need to go to the washroom." He said and left Tasha who was eating all the steak.

"So Tasha, what do you do?" Helena asked Tasha who flicked her silky red hair back behind her shoulder and smiled flashing her perfect set of white teeth.

"I am a model, more free lance." She said and ate another fork of her stake. " But I will move into a steady job when Jason and I finally get married." She said and Lillian nearly choked on her juice. "Been engaged for what? 7 years now." She said and laughed.

The silence that enveloped the room when Jason returned made him very aware of everyone's knowledge about his relationship status and this was bad! "The food is really good, Mrs. Silverman." He complimented and she smiled back at him.

"Carla, how's the pub?" Helena asked and Carla turned her focus off of Peter and towards the other guests.

"It's great, stocking mostly beers and I got a gig at a club in the next town for a week as a temporary bartender since their own quit and I am in this website where you can hire bartenders as temps or full times if you wish." She said with excitement. "Murkasdale." She confirmed the town and Peter frowned.

"You never told me." He said and she smiled at him.

"You never asked me." She said and served herself another slice of apple pie. She was the only one on desert. "Besides I was going to tell you when I leave to go to Lillian's place tonight." She added and Peter stared at her.

"So Lillian, where are your babies?" Tasha asked and there was moment's silence.

"They are with my neighbor, he wants to have a child with his girlfriend so he uses them as guinea pigs just the sweet and nice way." She said and focused on her food again. "He intends to propose first ." She added and Tasha laughed, she was being too nice.

"And their father?" She asked and Jason stared at Lillian with a look that made her realize he didn't want his family knowing about her and their products.

"He..." She paused and began to think really hard about the excuse she was going to give. " He just isn't in the picture anymore." She said and Jason let out a breath he had no idea he was holding. "It's probably the best choice." She added and stared at Jason who dropped his head and looked at his plate.

"Oh that's..." Tasha let her sentence drag when she had no idea what else to say.

"Okay! Who wants to follow Carla's suit and dig into the desert?" She asked and served herself before passing it on. "Enjoy." She said.

The dinner ended and Peter as he promised dropped both Carla and Lillian at Lillian's little apartment and squeezed her hand and left.

"That's the most decent thing you've done around me." Lillian commented when she entered her apartment with Carla behind carrying both her babies as punishment or more like sheer pleasure.

"My God, they are so cute." She commented and kissed their heads each. "Baby Jason and baby Jessica." She said. "You just had to have twins." She commented and Lillian just drank from the box of her drink.

"So you and Peter huh?" She asked changing the topic.

"Tasha huh?" Carla said again to change the topic.

"Fine, let's get this over with! He has a fiancée for my children's sake." She said and Carla just dropped the babies on their mat on the floor and sat down to play blocks with them as she listened. "I'm the other woman! He knew he was about to get married yet he still slept with me." She realized while she pumped her heavy full breasts. "He is a jerk."

"You didn't say that when you were leaving my pub that night though." Carla said and Lillian blushed. "Well Peter," she said and rebuilt the block castle she mounted when baby Jason used his hand to destroy it and removed the block in Jessica's mouth. "We are going super slow." She said and smiled. "Too slow, I set a steady pace but Peter he has even gone slower than a turtle." She said and sighed. "Wanna watch a telenovela, heard there's a new one coming out. Saving Raquel."

"I'm in before you even tell me what it's about." Lillian said and switched her television on. "What channel?"

"I don't like it." Carla said and switched off the television. "Oh their sleeping." She said referring to the twins who were together sleeping on the mat. "Well let's talk Jason. Do you still love him?"

"Why talk about Jason and what he is probably doing with his model soon-to-be wife and how beautiful she is and how hot and nice she is and how opposite she is from me." Lillian said with a sigh and picked her babies up carefully and Carla helped by dropping them in their cribs gently. "Maybe he was just supposed to give me these angels and leave my life and enjoy with his jack of all trades fiancée." She said with jealousy wrapped around every syllable.

"I don't know what to say, I wish I could hate on her but she is too nice for that." Carla said with a chuckle and played with her short hair. "I miss my long hair."

"Well I didn't tell you to be very angry to the extent of cutting your hair."

"I really really really like him. Scratch that! I love him and how he is now taking his time with me and how he knows he has my heart yet he is still claiming he wants to steal every bit." She said and tried to hide her smile. "I just don't want to lose the best thing I have had in like my whole life."

"How's your mum?" Lillian asked knowing she was bringing up an unwanted conversation.

"She's she." She replied. "She's great, we now talk more and she wants to meet Peter, it's not like it was her fault but the fact that she is still married to that douche gets me ticked."

Lillian opened her door when she heard a knock and came face to face with


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