Chapter Four

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"What you possess in the world will be found at the day of your death to belong to someone else. But what you are will be yours forever."

- Henry Van Dyke



Waking up I found myself alone once again in this room. I thought I heard someone talking outside the door, then slowly retreating away.

He was gone, Death, he must have left sometime after I passed out. Groaning, what the hell did I get myself into? That man was Death himself, I was a succubus, and a weird snake creature most likely is the one who stripped me of my clothes.

Unfortunately, they didn't dress me while I was asleep, for however long, my head started to ache. Crawling to the edge of the massive bed, I wasn't able to wiggle free of the blankets, spinning I threw myself off the bed with a loud thud. Ow. Breaking free I stood naked by the bed, retrieving the sheet from the bed I walk to the intricate wooden wardrobe which sat in a corner, opening several of the drawers and also the large doors I found nothing.

I groaned, "I just want some clothes damn you." I leave the wardrobe only to get my sheet caught on the door handle. As I rip it away, the door opened revealing clothes, clothes that were not there a minute ago.

I skim my hands across several shirts and pants, finding them to be exactly my size. Picking a pair of black skinny jeans and a plain white t-shirt, I pulled open a drawer to find all the necessary undergarments, like underwear and bras, oh and socks.

This is insanely weird but so useful right about now, I mean it's a magic wardrobe. Instead of Narnia, I get clothes. I quickly dressed, surprised that the clothes fit perfectly, just as I finished a brisk knock came to the door.

Smoothing down my clothes, I lifted my chin, expecting it to be Death, I opened the door, "Oh...hello." I murmured. It was the snake-like woman. Backing away from the door, I granted her access, it's not like I couldn't say no.

She bowed before she entered, which was way too formal and weird, "Expecting someone else."

"No of course not, please come in..." I hesitated not really daring myself to say her name, I was afraid I'd say it wrong and she'd eat my head off. "Meeksha." She finished for me.

"Nice to meet you, Meeksha and thank you." I tried speaking sincerely, she really just terrified me.

"For what child."

"Well, Death said you were the one who healed me and watched over me as I recovered," I stated, he didn't really say that but implied.

"I merely healed your broken body, Master observed." She noted. Huh. He watched over me, I contemplated, Death didn't seem like the person to do that sort of thing.

"Yes well, I was to briefly check on you and also to bring you a gift, from the Master." She withdrew a small vial from her pocket. "Here child, take it?"

Retrieving the small vial from her long black claws, I held it up to my face, inside was a pale blue almost silver-like liquid, it had a slight shine.

"What is it?" I asked.

"Moonlight tea, it will help control your incandescent eyes, dimming them to its original state."

Peering down at the small object I shook it, watching the colors swirl, "How long does it last?" She didn't seem to mind answering my questions.

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