Lost memory: page 8

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Person: hello blue, i have heard alot about you.
Uhhhhh....how did i get here?.
Person: you don't need to worry about that, you just need to tell me your story and maybe give tobys pillow and underwear back.
NEVER!, you can't take pillow-toby away from me!.
Person: alright, then just tell me about yourself.
Why wed i?, i'm a killer, not an EXKILLER like toby is. It makes me sad on how he doesn't kill people anymore... .
Person: and whys that?.
Well, there was so much stuff i missed out on in tobys life, i wed of loved to be a proxy, but slender didn't want me.
Person: so that only makes you a killer, not a proxy.
I think slender is just scared of me, i did kick his ass, i think i should be the new slenderman of the mansion!.
Person: well a girl like you can only dream.
What is that supposed to mean?.
Person: it means you can't be the new slenderman, it means before you kill slender his little butt-buddy zalgo will end you.
Fine, your right, but i think slender needs to give up toby and stop trying to hurt his family, even tobys bitch wife.
Person: it looks like somone is mad they didn't get married~ .
Shut up, and you know!, its odd on how a therapist knows so much about the under world and slener.
Person: that's because i work for SCP, the therapist's in SCP are told about this stuff. My job is to see if the monster's can feel real feelings and be let go into the real world with no worry of them hurting anyone.
It seems like a big job even for you.
Person: if i can help toby then i can help you, i know deep down you don't want to do this and you can be human again.
No. That's where your wrong, i don't want to be human again. I can't be human. I have seen to much and every one in these woods will stop at nothing to kill me and keep me quiet, i am quiet but if i'm human, i'll tell everything and everyone what i saw and know. They wont just hurt me, but toby and his family. I need to keep them safe.
Person: but why do you feel you need to keep them safe and not just yourself only?.
Because i love toby, i can't be happy, that doesn't mean he shouldn't be happy.
Person: ok then. I just want you to tell me about your past and leading up to you missing.
Fine!, i'll tell you then.. .

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