Day 15 - Flutter

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Char: Dorian & Noah

Ch summ: Dorian revels in his memories about his elven lover. Solas comes to a shocking realization about their inquisitor.

Rated: T

30 Days of Noah



a state or sensation of tremendous excitement; a group of butterflies.

His smile was bright rays of sunshine on a beautiful day, beaming from an equally enthralling visage. His laugh was a melodic song that lifted spirits, inflicting on those around him a calm quiet that had been lost since the gaping maw of hell ripped across the sky. His eyes were smoldering gems of green peridot, striking fear in all he laid his fiery, cold gaze upon. His passion burned brighter and hotter than the fiercest fire archmagicks; the very flames of hell themselves quivered in his wake.

When he spoke, he spoke with purpose. When he walked, shoulders squared, his gait overflowed with confidence. He was the epitome of strength, passion, and loyalty.

Dorian's eyes fluttered as chapped, petal-thin lips brushed against the skin behind his ear. Thin, strong fingers clutched desperately at his shoulder.

"Dorian..." His voice cracked, oozing with an emotion Dorian didn't believe quite fit him. "Dorian." The body above him quivered, breath becoming heavy pants. "Dorian...Dorian...Dorian..."

His name, coming from his lover, never ceased to be music to his ears. Almost a chant - a praise - a song; sung so beautifully by his dark haired angel.

"Dorian, please..." His angel's voice quivered and cracked, his breathing quickening. What he wouldn't give to gaze upon his dark haired angel, but he knew what awaited his eyes would shatter the images that played in his mind.

" lath...please..."

It wasn't frequent that his lover slipped up and spoke in Elven instead of the common tongue. He found those infrequent moments endearing as they were usually when his lover was feeling strongly about something - usually confusion but there were times when it was because he was angry, though it happened more when they made love.

"No," Dorian finally spoke. His voice was as hoarse as his lover's. The air by his ear was displaced as Noah moved away. It was cold now. Dorian gritted his teeth as he heard a grinding noise. He felt liquid drip on his face. Was his angel crying? No, don't be stupid. He thought to himself. His angel wasn't crying for his angel never cried. He knew what it was.

"Dorian...move..." His angel's voice was faint. The sound was accompanied by a low grunt.


"Don' an ass..." His angel was struggling to speak. He let out another low grunt, more grinding sounds following it. "Move."

"I won't." His arms were numb, outstretched in front of him. They hurt, stung, burned. He couldn't place just how long they had been in their current position. Dorian on his back with Noah sprawled on top of him, legs on either side of Dorian's thighs. In any other situation, Dorian would take great pleasure in their position. Now, though, he couldn't as the large piece of stone bearing down over them stopped him from feeling much of anything.

"...leave me..."

"I can't."

"...rian..." He felt more liquid drip on his face. He opened his eyes just in time to see dull peridot eyes, brimming with unshed tears, close. Dorian's heart skipped a beat as Noah's head dropped limply against his neck.

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