Day 5 - Unrequited

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Char: Varric, Noah

Summary: Varric suspects Noah has a crush on him as the elf continuously showers him with gifts. Varric doesn't want to hurt the elf's feelings but he also doesn't want to lead him on.

Rated: G

30 Days of Noah



a feeling (especially love) not returned or rewarded.

Varric was at a loss of what to do. "Varric!" The smiling elf walked over to him, handing him yet another small, wooden box. And as he handed the box to him, he repeated "don't open it yet" as he had been saying for the past week and walked away. Varric noted the nervous yet happy glint in his eyes - something he had remembered teasing Hawke about in the past when she would look at Fenris.

Gift giving.

As far as he could see, he was the only one receiving such gifts. Varric could only come to one conclusion: the elf was smitten with him.

Noah was overly friendly towards him, he never snapped at him - he didn't even snap at him when he continued to call him Teddy (he'd express his displeasure but never stopped him from calling him it). He'd snap at anyone else but Varric for the nickname.

Varric made his way into the Rotunda. "Chuckles." Solas looked up from his desk to regard Varric. "I have a question."

"Ask away, my friend," Solas said, folding his hands together.

"Gift giving in elven culture, what does it signify?" Varric crossed his arms as Solas raised an eyebrow. It was time for Varric to get to the bottom of Noah's sudden odd behavior.

"It could mean many things. Gifts are a way of expressing one's fondness or kinship to another." Solas nodded when Varric gave a breath of relieve. "Though, it depends on the type of gift given. It could also be a process of courtship." Solas couldn't help but smirk when Varric's eyes widened. "Why...Has something happened?"

"Teddy has been showering me with gifts lately..."

"Showering, you say?" Solas raised an eyebrow.

"Yes, everyday."

"What exactly is he giving you?"

"These little wooden boxes." Varric noticed Solas perk up.


"Why? What does that mean?" Varric asked urgently.

"Mmm...I'm afraid I do not know what to tell you, friend." Solas sounded and looked remorseful but there was a mischievous glint in his eye that Varric did not miss. Varric frowned but didn't comment on it.


"Varric~" Varric looked up from fiddling with the new grip on Bianca. Noah was walking towards him, all but singing his name, with another little box in his hands. Dorian, who was sitting next to him, quirked an eyebrow.

"Why, Varric, I didn't know you and the inquisitor were an item!" Dorian smirked when Varric frowned.

"Here. Don't open it yet!" Noah chirped.

Varric accepted the box and watched Noah walk away.

"I have to say, I'm rather jealous of you." Dorian said, grinning.

"We're not an item. He has just been giving me gifts for a reason unknown to me..." Varric grumbled. "I don't want to hurt him by rejecting them but...I also don't want to keep leading him on like this." Dorian smirked.

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