Day 6 - Fulgarophillia

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Char: Dorian & Noah

Summary: The electrical pulses of the Anchor sometimes triggers Noah's Fulgarophilia - Dorian helps when it gets too overpowering.

Rated: MA

30 Days of Noah



an extreme sexual excitement that comes especially from lightning.

Rift after rift after rift after rift. It was getting pretty old really fast. Dorian huffed irritatedly as he watched the elven inquisitor lift his hand to close the rift. He observed the jerky way the elf pulled his hand down before standing stiff and still for a moment. Dorian raised an eyebrow. He had noticed the elf do that each time and wondered if it hurt him that much. Granted, it was way more noticeable earlier on in their adventures, now it was just him standing stiff, looking like he was going to fall over any moment.

He probably was in pain. This was the most rifts they had come in contact with in a short amount of time (being a day). "Boss, you holding up okay?" Dorian turned his attention back to reality at Bull's words. The inquisitor was still standing there silent and stiff.

"Fine," was the forced answer. Dorian raised an eyebrow but didn't comment.

They trudged on towards the location of the next rift. Dorian walked along side Noah while Bull and Varric walked behind them. "Are you sure you're okay?" Dorian muttered low enough for just Noah to hear. Noah nodded silently. He was biting his lip and his face was flushed. "You know...if you're tired, you should say so."

"I'm fine." His answer was short and strained. Dorian frowned but let it be. When they came upon the next rift, Dorian made sure when all the demons were dead, he was standing next to the inquisitor. The elf truly looked as if he would fall over any moment.

Noah brought his hand up towards the rift. The green electrical current sparked around his hand. That was when Dorian noticed Noah's eyes close and his hand quiver. So it did hurt him. As the sparks grew brighter, Dorian saw the elf's chest jerk faster. Before the rift closed, Noah dropped his hand. He dropped to his knees with a cry before planting his bottom on the ground so he sat with his legs in an 'M' shape.

"Boss!" "Teddy!" Varric and Bull were instantly at his side.

"I'm fine, I'm fine...just...a little tired..." Dorian's eyes had been wide for the entirety of the time. He had just realized what that was and it wasn't the elf being tired. The elf had just had an orgasm. He did the face and everything! A slow smirk ran across Dorian's face.



Dorian settled gingerly next to Noah who sat in front of the fire sharpening his blade. "So," Dorian started, causing Noah to look up at him curiously. "How long have you been acquiring sexual gratification from the Anchor?" Noah's eyes widened. He began to sputter and choke on nothing.

"Wha-Wha-huh-you-I-Wa..." His face rivaled a blood lotus.

"You know, if you loved electricity so much, you could have always said something. I would be more than happy to oblige!"

"Waa..." Noah was at a loss for words, his mouth hanging opening.

"Do close your mouth," Dorian said with a chuckle as he pushed at Noah's chin. "You'll catch flies." Dorian was suddenly closer. He leaned over to whisper in Noah's ear. "I'll meet you in your quarters. I'll show you a little something that your Anchor could never achieve..." Noah swallowed audibly but nodded.

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