Day 9 - Birthday

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Char: Josephine, Noah, Leliana, Cullen, Solas

Summary: Josephine gets a letter from clan Lavellan which says Noah's birthday was coming up in a few days.

Rated: T

30 Days of Noah


the anniversary of the day on which a person was born

Letters from Orlais? Josephine sighed as she opened the sealed envelope.

Dear Inquisitor,

It has come to our attention that your influence has spread minutely throughout Orlais. I, Bertrand of house Lièvremont, would like to extend, as a representative of the family, assistance to the cause. If there is anything that you personally or that of the Inquisition would need, do not hesitate on contacting house Lièvremont, as we would be honored to help.

Warm regards,

Bertrand Geoffroy-Égide Lièvremont

Josephine read the first sentence over a couple of times. She furrowed her brow slightly then sat the letter aside. She picked up another one.

Greetings Da'len,

I hope this letter gets to you on time. I understand that you have been very busy with everything up until now, but I hope that you can spare some time for yourself. I would like to express the joy that you have indirectly brought to the clan. We all wish you the best and hope that you celebrate the anniversary of your birthing. We would have liked it if you were able to make it back to the clan so we could honor this day together, but we understand how the trip here and back would be too long. You are always with us in thought, da'len.


Keeper Deshanna Istimaethoriel Lavellan

Anniversary of your birthing? The inquisitor's name-day was coming up? Josephine reread the letter over and over again. "Oh this is an opportunity we cannot pass up!" Josephine exclaimed.

"What are you up to, Josie?" Josephine looked up to see Leliana, clipboard in hand, walking into the room.

"The inquisitor received a letter from his clan. It states his name-day is coming up in a few days."

"Does it? When exactly is it?" Leliana walked over to Josephine's desk and placed her clipboard down. "You're still reading his letters? You know he's going to yell at you, again, if he finds out...which he will..."

"I couldn't help it! It was in English this time," Josephine placed a hand on her forehead. "And it doesn't say when exactly so I say we just hold it on Saturday." She jumped up from her desk. "So much planning to do! And I have to invite many of the nobles-"

"Uh, Josie," Leliana said, frowning. "Do you really believe this is such a good idea?"

"Of course! The letter from his clan even implied that he should celebrate! We'll give him a grandiose party to make up for his inability to return to his clan." Josephine had a dangerous sparkle to her eyes that made Leliana back away from her slightly.

"I have a feeling the elves' version of a celebration differs completely from our version of a celebration...and yours..." Leliana raised an eyebrow. It was obvious Josephine hadn't heard a word she had said as she was gathering papers and envelopes while mumbling excitedly to herself. "I have a feeling by the end of the week, someone will have died or been seriously injured..." Leliana sighed as she picked up her clipboard. "Have fun," she said as she left the room.

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