CHAPTER 30 | smile, you're on candid camera

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A/N. Hello my lovelies,  hope you enjoy the chapter... don't forget to vote.. ;-) 

Take care.

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Kaitlyn's mind was in turmoil. Her thoughts were scattered and incoherent. As with tradition when she was in this state she went for a run. When that didn't work, she cleaned and polished her apartment until it shone. Still finding no peace, she then traipsed into the kitchen, pulled out pots and pans, and began cooking. Her last resort when attempting to make order out of chaos.

Somehow, she had managed to drive home without killing herself, or any of the other unsuspecting motorists. How, was beyond her. Her mind, ever overactive and always attempting to find answers was in overdrive and numb at the same time - if that was at all possible.

"Anyone would think you've never been kissed before," Kaitlyn censured herself as she pulled ingredients out of the pantry and threw them on the bench.

Yanking open the top drawer, she pulled out a sharp knife and waved it at the unsuspecting fruit basket. "You're a bloody adult!"

She placed a chopping board on the bench and slammed the knife on top. "You carry a gun and you're not afraid to shoot scum of the earth. For Christ sakes," she huffed, "you have shot someone."

So why was she so agitated about one stupid kiss?

"He's moody, and non-talkative when he wants to be," she reasoned, "not to mention the fact that he's an immigrant - and there is the issue of the age gap," she finished.

Kaitlyn then set about doing damage to the unsuspecting vegetables as she attacked them with furore.

But the problem was, she was growing extremely addicted to not only his earth-shattering kisses but the man himself. The more she had worked with him, the more he had let her see behind the wall that he had carefully constructed to shut out the world.

She had seen the man that was buried under his self-imposed prison, and she was powerless to resist. There was no doubt in her mind she was physically attracted to the Werewolf. That, she had accepted long ago. His body had set hers alight and on a constant simmer, so that she was willing, and if she was honest, more than eager to taste the forbidden fruit. They were both consenting adults, she had reasoned to herself, so what if things get a little out of hand?

What had shocked her to her core was that her emotions were now in play. This was unacceptable. She could not - would not - allow herself to feel anything other than a physical reaction to the man.

Again taking herself to task, she began chiding her stupidity. "You need to get a grip! You are just tired and this case has gotten to you."

Continuing her hive of activity, Kaitlyn managed to calm herself down from the frenzied place she had worked herself up to. Her emotions now in check, she had managed to convince her mind that she had been mistaken. There were no feelings whatsoever for her very desirable, masculine and steamy partner, whose eyes seemed to bore into her soul and set her on fire each time he got too close.

Ignoring the little voice in the back of her mind laughing - Yeah, right! She continued attacking a bag of onions. Convinced she now had the matter under control.

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Attempting to get comfortable, the homeless Gulf War Veteran, pushed the flap of the cardboard box closed to stop the cold of the night air getting into his old bones. Nestled between two large dumpsters he was hidden away from view. The smell of rotting food, scraps and dead rats ensured that the small amount of people wandering down the alleyway kept away from his little corner of the universe.

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