CHAPTER 14 | life's like a box of chocolates

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📎A/N. [July 01] Hello dear friends. For those of you on your summer break I hope that you are having a great and safe time. For those of you who are on the other side of the globe (like me) in the cold and wet winter... cheer up, spring will be here... eventually ;-)

Without further ado, we continue Murphy and Kaitlyn's journey. Enjoy and don't forget to vote... even you silent readers... it's Watty's season - so support your favorite authors... every vote counts.

Take care...

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The tightness in his chest had been building all day. The closer they got to Tennessee, the greater the pressure became. The intensity developing in direct proportion to the proximity to Tudor Falls.

He had successfully managed to avoid the place for the past twenty years. He was not looking forward to this. Murphy had spent the majority of the plane ride planning the optimal way in which to get Kaitlyn presented, and then just as quickly, return to Boston. He did not need to see any of them.

He could forgive many things. Betrayal was not one of them.

The one hour drive from Knoxville Tudor Falls, nestled in the foothills of the Great Smoky Mountains National Park seemed to take forever. The vehicle closing the gap between them, and their destination, far too quickly.

The darkness consumed them as Joshua efficiently navigated this part of the state, having traversed it an endless number of times across the decades.

Joshua, wisely had kept his own council for the majority of the drive. Knowing the conflicting emotions that his passenger would be at war with.

A question had been playing on his mind since their journey had begun. As they were almost near their final destination, he could no longer remain silent.

"Did you let them know you were coming?" Joshua asked quietly, glancing across at Murphy.

A slight tightening of his jaw was the only reply the driver received.

Joshua sighed at what this response signified. "I suppose that means you will be staying with me?"

A slight movement from the back seat distracted Murphy from answering.

Kaitlyn had fallen asleep not long after they began the last leg of their journey. Fatigue from the physically and mentally harrowing week had won out, and she had blissfully nodded off not long after leaving the Knoxville airport.

Her even and deep breathing told him she was still asleep. Murphy turned and focused back on the road ahead.

"So how do you think she is going to get through this weekend?" questioned Joshua, as he indicated towards their slumbering passenger.

"Provided we duct tape her mouth, it should be fine."

Joshua let out a sharp laugh upon hearing this. His granddaughter was certainly not backwards in coming forward.

A trait she shared with her father. The time spent with her had been both enjoyable and heartbreaking at the same time. She was his blood and there was nothing he would not do for her. However, as each day passed, he began to understand her that much more.

Joshua knew without a doubt she was hell bent on tracking Elijah down. And nothing was going to stop her.

In this both she and Murphy were alike.

His greatest fear was loosing her the same way he had lost his son. Anger suddenly overcame him. He was incensed that life had a way of screwing with him. He could not bury another child. He was not sure he could go through it again.

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