Chapter Nine

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The paper was in front of me. Everything could change. No more living with Abusive Muggles. No more Being worked as a slave. No more dealing with crude words that brought down my self esteem. Last of all no more worrying about how much I would get ignored and beat that day. They passed me over as if I was nothing to even worry about. All of that signified on one simple sheet of paper. The pen shook slightly in my hand as I signed my first name and the last name I don't even own. The paper glittered gold as the contract came legal. I was leaving them, not running away, but being adopted by someone who really loves me.

"Thalia you there?," Dumbledore waved his hand in my face wearing a cheery smile. I was instantly out of my thoughts looking at every one around me. They were all smiling except for one sulking professor and Obviously Moody. "So Tha-,"

"I want to join the order," I interrupted Dumbledore. His smile faded as did everyone else's.

"Absolutely not!," Remus said calmly crossing his arms, even Snape was shaking his head.

"Thalia Your not of age," Dumbledore was showing one of his rare frowns. I simply shrugged.

"I want to join the Order," I repeated louder this time crossing my arms. Looking Professor Dumbledore straight in the eyes. I caught his eye twinkle as he turned and looked around.

"If you wish. But you must make a Unbreakable vow not to tell anyone your in until your of age," Dumbledore told me, a frown still etched on his face.

"You can't be letting her join!," Both Remus and Professor Snape yelled at once.

"Albus!! She's just a child?!," Mrs. Weasley squeaked throwing her arms in the air.

"I'm not a child!," I protested "I am going to be sixteen on July 1st!," a fist was slammed into the table angrily, the fist belonged to Remus. His eyes swam with fury for the first time I've ever seen him like that. Not to mention Mr. Dungeon Bat behind me.

"Albus you can't let her join. It's too dangerous," Remus protested his voice cracked.

"It's... Up to Thalia. She wishes to join," Dumbledore gave a apologetic glance at everyone taking my arm He nodded Professor Moody over as he bonded our arms together with his wand and there was a whispy white line that knotted both of our forearms together which tightened and it made a soft warm glow inside my body.

"Do you Thalia Dumbledore, swear not to reveal your intentions on wishing to and henceforth joining The Order until of age seventeen," Moody hissed, his blue glass eye swiveling to take a look at everyone watching intently

"I do," I said quietly feeling every pair if eyes on us.

"And do you swear to keep quiet about the whereabouts of the Order and not speak to anyone about joining but the members?," His voice dropped dangerously low.

"I do," My voice cracked as I said it slightly louder

"Also do you swear to protect the Order, Yourself, and the people of this world against Lord Voldemort," He added his blue eye landing on me.

"I do," I shivered as the warmness was lifted and the line sunk in bonding the vow between Dumbledore, I and the Order members. A door was slammed as Remus left the room fuming. Sirius gave me a sad smile and went after him.

"Welcome to the Order," I then received another sad smile from Dumbledore, I think it was time to go back. I looked at Professor Snape, you could feel the anger radiating off of him.

"Take me back before Umbridge realizes I'm gone...Please Sir," I added the last part.

Being flooed back to Professor Snape's quarters, he turned to me and grabbed my shoulders with his hands.

"You have no idea what you're getting yourself into.. What kind of idiot your age would put their lives in danger," He spat, looking at me angrily. My temper instantly rose, see I wasn't gifted with my grandfather calm aura.

"Says the one who became a death eater as soon as you gotten out of Hogwarts!," I stomped my foot giving him a death glare as I turned an walked out of his quarters door. How could I love such a man?!?


As I walked up to Harry Hermione and Ron By the black lake knew what was coming next; breaking the news to Harry.

"Hey Thalia. That was one long meeting," Ron laughed Harry turned and walked up to me smiling he leaned in to kiss me but I backed away. Hearing Ron say 'ouch'

"Can we all talk somewhere private?," I asked, thinking I was going to get questioned they nodded their heads, this has almost been the easiest Friday ever. How am I going to break it to them?

A/N: Another chapter down. How will Thalia tell them about being The one and only Dumbledores Grandaughter and Sirius Blacks niece? Vote Comment share or Whateves I love feedback. THANK YOU!!

Edited and Republished April 2nd 2017 Happy Belated birthday Fred and George

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