Chapter 4.

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Today was cold and grey, the mountains surrounding Hogwarts were covered in white snow and blowing winds, the lake was half frozen frost covering most of it and the Tall Pine tree's leading into the Forbidden forest were covered in glimmering icicles. But another thing is, Today is another D.A meeting in the hidden room of requirements. Not a ordinary day of course, Umbridge is pressuring us about O.W.L.S and Still no defensive spells in Defense against the Dark Arts, George and Fred planning something mischievous as always, not to mention Hermione making us homework and study planners. 

"I like her! She hates it too!!," Ron argued

"Well you all need to work on keeping your Homework and Studying up to date!," Hermione argued as I sighed.

"Well forget about it right now, we need to head off to the D.A meeting, who else is going to teach," Harry interrupted 

"Oh! That's right!," I shouted jumping out of my seat next to the common room fire, knocking my glass of butterbeer on the floor. 

"Is there any helping you three!," Hermione snapped as we turned the corner to the entrance of the room of requirement. 

"Hermione, lighten up. I'm going to do fine," I told her 

"How do you know that Thalia!," She asked crossing her arms as we walked into the room of requirement, which was filled with people urging to learn.

"I just do..Hey everyone!," I said skipping in "Merry Early Christmas or whatever you celebrate!," I shouted 

"Thanks!," Everyone coursed 

"So I think we should start working on Patronus spells," Harry said holding both ends of his wand in each hand.

"So its true both of you can produce a full body Patronus!," Dean Thomas shouted 

"Yes. That is true," I said with a smile. 

"Okay everyone, me and Thalia are going to demonstrate. First repeat after us Expecto Patronum," Harry said

"Expecto Patronum," everyone repeated 

"Great!," I clapped taking out my wand. 10 inches, phoenix feather with dragon heart string, Silver handle designed with snakes. "Expecto Patronum," I chanted thinking of my happiest memory, when I realized I loved Severus Snape. first there was a burst of small silvery light until it formed into a animal, A stag exactly like Harry. He soon followed leading his Stag into different directions. 

"Expecto Patronum!," Luna said dreamily 

"Think of something happy while you conjure your Patronus," I said 

"Your happiest memory," Harry followed 

"There you go Luna! A Hare?," I said happily.

That moment, the wall on the other side began to shake, everyone stopped what they were doing and watched the mirrors crumble, a hole formed breaking down the cement. I bent down and looked through the hole, The last person I wanted to see was there.... Pink cardigan, frog like face with a twisted smile..Umbridge.

"Hem Hem," She coughs. Normally any teacher would be twisted with rage, but her fake barbie doll smile was plastered on her face she pointed her wand at us, and blew down the rest of the wall. Her inquisitorial squad consisted  of the three most hated Slytherins; Draco Malfoy, Gregory Goyle, and Vincent Crabbe. Draco was holding a girl whom was Hanging her head, he picked up her chin.

"HOW COULD YOU CHO!!," I yelled 

"Shut up you stupid girl!," Umbridge hissed "Get them!," She pointed at the boys and girls behind her. Soon we were all dragged being held by Ignorant brats, that follow Umbridge around like a puppy dog.

"If you do not let me go Draco, I swear I will break your nose," I hissed stomping on his foot, he yelped in pain

"I always thought you were a pretty girl, But its sad that your going to be expelled," He smirked gripping my arms tighter. We were forced into Dumbledore's office where he sat with the Minister, and A boy that resembled a Weasley...Percy Weasley.

"As I was telling you Cornelius! Dumbledore raised a army of his own to take down the Ministry!!," Umbridge nearly shouted

"No!! It was our idea!," Me and Harry shouted they all turned to us

"No No Harry, Thalia. It clearly says 'Dumbledores Army' Not potter's or Evergreen's. I take full responsibility for the group," Dumbledore said calmly

"Albus, this is getting out of hand. I want you to come quietly and we will find a place in Azkaban," Cornelius growled Percy began to walk up to Dumbledore. 

"Ahh, I thought we would hit a snag..," He smiled at Harry and I "I'm afraid, the term 'Come quietly' Isen't what I imagined. I have no intention on coming quietly, or to Azkaban," That moment Dumbledore stood up, Fawkes his Phoenix flew down, he lifted his hands up and clapped them together with a explosion which sent everyone to the floor he was gone. 

"You May not like him Cornelius, but you have to Admit Dumbledore's got style," Kingsley said. 

((Edited as of September 23, 2015))

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