Chapter 5

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With Dumbledore gone, and Umbridge as the new Headmistress everything is absolutely horrible. O.W.L.S are starting today, I have no idea what Umbridge is planning. Everyone from D.A was punished, so now I have a long white scar on my left hand reading "I must not tell lies". I slowly got up from my four-Poster and drawled the curtains, Hermione was already up and ready to go. 

"Thalia hurry up and get ready! O.W.L.S are today!," She snapped I hurriedly got up and dressed into my black Gryffindor robes, I brushed my long Silver hair. 

"Whatever whatever whatever," I mumbled grabbing my bag full of books.

"How is your hair naturally silver?," She mumbled "Also! You wouldn't be saying whatever if you turned up late!,"

" I don't know..And Did you forget your in here with me too?," I asked, she looked taken aback as we hurried out of the Gryffindor common room, and into the great hall. There were no long desks we eat on, there were only single desks lined in rows. We both took our seats by Harry and Ron, I looked up and siting in a thrown like chair above the steps where the high table is supposed to be was Umbridge, her fake smile still plastered on her face. 

"I can't stand her..," I whispered over into Harry's ear. He nodded his head. 

A hourglass was placed next to Umbridge, showing it was time to start. First was History of magic (Which i'm sure I passed) And now D.A.D.A, A examiner was calling people in one by one out of the great hall to take the test..

"This is going to test whether I can be a Auror!," Harry and I said together. We looked at eachother in shock, but then laughed silently. 

"Potter, Harry," They called from the room. He got up and made his way over to the room, about 20 minutes later, he exited with a proud smile.

"How was it?," I asked steadily

"Easy.. They ask whether you can conjure a patronus too as a bonus question. Good luck," He patted my back and sat back down.

"Evergreen, Thalia," They called. By stomach dropped but Ron, Hermione and Harry gave me a reassuring smile and thumbs up. 

"Hello...," I said entering the room. There was a mirror hanging beside the desk, My reflection starred back at me, My sea blue eyes, My long silver/white hair, The black robes i'm wearing mirroring my white smile. I turned my attention back to the professor as he handed me a piece of parchment with questions. 

"Hello..Answer the questions on the paper then we will have two extra things," The examiner said. I studied the questions..

"What is the correct definition of the Conjunctivitis Curse?," I read in my head "Easy enough..It damages the opponents eyesight,"  After many questions I had two left. 

"Almost there," The examiner said smugly 

"What spell guards you from Dementors and Lethifolds?," I read in a whisper "Expecto Patronum," I wrote, finally the last question "Can you conjure a corporeal Patronus charm or part of one?," I smiled at this question and carefully wrote "Yes, a full body," 

"Wonde- Wait a second," He looked down at the parchment "You can make a Patronus! Lets see Lets see!," The examiner rushed. I took out my wand and thought about Severus and the first time we kissed. 

"Expecto Patronum," A big ball of blue light wisped  around and was forming a Patronus I loved....A Stag..

"How wonderful!," He clapped "Only some witches and wizards can do this! How long have you been able to?," He asked excitedly 

"Since my third year," I smiled 

"Just as Mr. Potter out there! You remind me of someone...But we aren't able to speak of him here I'm afraid..," He smiled "I guess that's all thank you," He lead my way out of the examination room 

"How'd it go? Do you think you passed?," Hermione asked one after another

"Hermione, Calm down. It was the easiest test I've taken..I nailed it," I punched Harry in the arm playfully 

"We will be waiting for you two, Thalia follow me I want to show you something," Harry said, 

Sneaking away from the great hall, I silently followed. We went up various steps and into the Gryffindor common room, and up more steps into a tower with a small window. It was beautiful, The sun was slowly falling, all the tree's by the forbidden forest were being hit with sunshine, as the winter snow melted on the pine it gleamed with pride. Water dripped from the icicles, and slow ruffles and movements issued from the ground below in the bushes that various creatures were held in. 

"Harry...This is beautiful! I never noticed it...," I looked back at him and smiled.

"I know...It's Different you know..? After a long week, just come up here and..Look," He peered out the window, the wind blew his untidy hair along with the frost covered tree's, I couldn't help but stare at him in awe.

"Harry...," He looked at me with a smug smile his bright green eyes staring into mine with such content..He moved closer, His breath hot on my face, our foreheads touching..What's going to happen? I felt a soft, yet steady beat on my lips, fireworks erupted in my stomach as I felt myself lean in, It was passionate, beautiful, His lips felt they were created for mine, all too soon we disconnected he looked at me as if debating with himself.

"I think...I should of gave you a chance the first time," I said, feeling the fireworks calm in my stomach 

"Well, would you give me a chance now?," He asked holding his hand out. I took a second to decide, Arguing with myself...Hes my professor, Snape is, we could never be together..But you love Snape! Give Harry A chance..I took his hand finally and his smile widened as mine did. Is this what it actually felt like to be in the hands of someone that cares for you? Before I could answer Harry was bringing me back down the steps, through the painting again and back into the great hall which was now lined with the long tables filled with each specific house. 

"So Harry. What did she say?," Ron elbowed him in the side playfully 

"I think it was a yes," He said truthfully 

"Wait! Did all of you know about it?!," I asked, Hermione giggled and Ron smiled. Soon the great hall was filled with chatter as plates were filled with food, and goblets were drained by the second with long discussions about the O.W.L.S. I placed my hand carefully on Harry's and held it. I met a piercing stare up at the high table, the black eyes met mine and dug into them. Pain, and Anger was all I saw, and that's all I thought about when I went to bed. 

"What kind of love triangle was this?,"

((Edited and republished June 26th 2016))

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