Chapter Seven

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"She...She's Albus's granddaughter," I was currently standing outside of McGonagall's office door. What was I thinking? My mind hit a complete bump. A Dumbledore..In love with a Snape. There is something wrong with that picture. Was she faking it to save her reputation? Was she only doing it for Potter. Like father, like son..They always get what they want. 

But. Why hadn't Albus told her? Why hadn't he explained the reason why he knew about her parents death was because it was his own daughter...His daughter Delilah. What had crossed his brilliant mind, not to tell his own granddaughter who she really was. Did he want to hide it? Did he only want the sheer satisfaction that she was the reason his daughter was dead? Or, were the stories true. Did  he want to hide the truth about having a daughter, because she was a squib? My mind wandered as did my body, before I could snap out of it I was inside of my quarters by my floo network. It was the only one Umbrige couldn't tap into, because of my stubbornness. 

"Albus Dumbledore, number twelve Grimmauld place," I growled into the fire, throwing down floo powder, a Green fire crackled and popped inside of the fireplace. I stuck my head in there, revealing a dusty dark living room, with a green and silver loveseat and sofa. 

"Ahh Snivellus! Its always a pleasant surprise to see you," Black said coming from the kitchen. He was wearing dark black pants with two button up pockets, and no shirt. His voice was laced with sarcasm. 

"Piss off you mutt.," I growled looking around, Where was Albus? 

"Someone's in a terrible mood," He soon caught my wondering eyes. "Since when were you into men Snivellus? I'm sorry to say that's not my cup of tea," He chuckled loudly. 

"I'm not into neither. A slimy mutt like you, nor men. Apparently to you, yours and Lupin's relationship isn't working out the best right now is it?," I smirked at his loathing swimming in his eyes, and his teeth held tightly together. "Where is Albus," But that was soon answered. 

"Sirius, do you mind if I keep this? I do enjoy knitting pattens. Severus! What a delightful surprise," His  smug features made me frown, How was he so calm during a war between people who believed the Dark lord was back, and the ones who don't? 

"Go right ahead Albus. And watch out, Snivellus is in quite a mood," Black smirked at me and turned into the other room. 

"Severus, what is it?," He casually pulled up a chair, and looked at me as if I was in front of him,  I began to scowl. 

"What is it..Its only the fact that your hiding something after everything," I hissed under my breath, his smile lowered into a puzzled look. 

"What do you mean? I'm not following, excuse my slowness," He winked, his half-moon spectacles hanging down his crooked nose. 

"What Do I mean? Why didn't you tell me,Thalia was your granddaughter," I barked. His eyes widened, his mouth turning into a frown. 

"If you wish to know. When my daughter Delilah was born, I kept her hidden from the world. Most think it was because she was a squib. No that was not the case, she was half-blood just as I am. I kept her hidden because she was sick, very sick. Like my sister Ariana. But when the time came, Regulus Black came around rather frequently visiting, and giving information on Voldemort's movements just as you are now," I continued to listen, as he took a deep breath. "Before I could have time to react, they gotten close and He believed he could take care of her. I aloud her to leave with him. When, Regulus stopped the visitation and information with Voldemort, and also my daughter, I received a letter explaining, that Delilah was pregnant with a little girl and Regulus was escaping from being a Death Eater. Of course I was happy, but I didn't want the child to get whatever Delilah had," Tears glistened in his eyes, and soon began to flow out. "A few months later, and Thalia was born. Then a year passed and that's when Regulus died, and Delilah committed suicide, and Thailia like Harry. Survived Voldemort's curse. I didn't want her to be famous just yet, I didn't want her to be hunted. I didn't want to lose her like I lost my daughter. But now. I have to tell her. Fetch her for me," He finished. I've never seen so many tears, come from this smug looking man, this calm collective man. 

As Black walked into the living room with a look of regret on his face, He handed Albus a handkerchief. I took my head out of the fire, which calmed into a orange red fire. I left my quarters, on a student search, for sure she isn't there still. 


I passed many starring students, was it because I was crying like a child? Or was it because I was whispering loudly which hex to use on Professor Snape for not telling me.  My feet banged furiously on the floor, as I searched and searched for him. What was I thinking trusting him..What was I thinking about falling dangerously in love with a professor in the first place? I knew I shouldn't be with Harry but what was I going to do...What is My real name..Thalia Dumbledore..

"Thalia, I think the muttering hex's could stop," Professor Snape's voice drawled from in front me. My eyesight was clouded from the angry tears spilling everywhere. I took my wand from my pocket, griping it tightly. 

"You knew! You knew all this time. I loved you, and you go ahead and hide someth-," 

"Silencio," He pointed his wand at me, my words stopped. "Follow me," He ordered. Something about his gaze at me changed, it softened. A tinge of regret swam in those coal black eyes. I followed him into the dungeons, and turning to a solid wall, he whispered something inaudible and a door appeared. 

"This must be his quarters," I thought, purposely I kicked a table following him, knocking down a tea cup. He sighed, as I shrugged at him. I felt the spell lifted. Boy was I going to give him a good one. 

"Before you go off on me. I did not know anything about it. That is why we are visiting professor Dumbledore," He told me, throwing flew powder into the fire place, he motioned his arms to it. "After you," I walked through the emerald green flames, into a dark shabby looking living room. Slytherin colors hanging on the walls and the couches. 

"Thalia," Dumbledore smiled. His eyes were red and puffy. Was he crying?

((Edited and republished June 26th 2016))

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