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 Prologue ♥

The famous and outstanding school, Kingdom University was entirely exclusive for elites only. This school also conducts a committee in where, four handsome students lead the way.

They are also the public figures who represent the school in which gain an advertisement to the rich kids to enroll and study here.  Those gorgeous guys were known as 'The Kings'.

They receive so much special treatments and attentions from the entire school, also from the outsiders. What will they do? They're GWAPOS.

Keisha came, the scholar transfer student who will become the assistant of those hot and oh-so-perfect Kings. At first she hate it. Because of the special treatments they have.

But as the time goes by, how can she resist if she know to herself the she likes, GWAPOS? 

How will the secret of the Kings affect their lives?

Want to know the secret? Secret :)

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