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Fernando could remember the loud slap like it was happening again. He had swung around and stared, absolutely shocked as blood gushed down Marietta's face. Her lips had whimpered helplessly and Patrick had looked so guilt wracked. Anger had swept through his body and he had taken a step towards Patrick to hurt him the way he hurt her but then she ran out of the room. This made them chase after her, shouting for her to stay and not leave.

He had called for her, but she didn't even look at him. Her face was full of anguish and she didn't want him to comfort her. She wanted to be on his own, even though he knew she needed the safety, her fiance took away from her. As he watched her car drive away, its' course erratic, Patrick walked into the house, his eyes soulless. His whole body was shaking in shock, which had made Fernando fill with disgust.

"I've never done that before. I need to go after her." Patrick's voice softened from the horror filled hiss.

Patrick had then run towards the garage and Fernando had found himself frozen to the spot.

Fernando didn't know what to say nor do. He wanted to hit the man and make him feel the pain she did, but it would just make the situation worse than it already was. He didn't know this was something his friend was capable of. Maybe he was wrong when it came to their relationship. It made him so sad to think that she had been hiding this from everyone. She did not deserve this and it made Fernando confused. He had never thought his friend, the blonde, curly rugby player would be so cruel.

Most of all, he was beyond worried about the beautiful blonde who had run off.

Coming back to life, he ran after Patrick, knowing if he didn't, his friend was going to cause an accident.

They were driving around in a heavy silence, for about half an hour before an ominous ringing sound emitted from Patrick's lap. He pulled out his phone in a hurry, answered it and with a couple of words from the speaker, he went paler than Fernando thought humanly possible.

Patrick put down the phone, after finding out an address.

"What happened?" He asked the pale rugby player.

His voice was soft in the silent car but it still made the other man wince.

"She lost control of the car, the car flipped and it wrapped itself around a tree. It's now in a ditch and she's hit her head hard, apparently." His voice had a catch to it at the end of his statement.

Fernando felt himself go pale, his concern for her doubling. Hitting your head is never a good thing and this happening in an accident is even worse. Fernando now wanted to murder the man next to him. She was dying because of him.

"Where?" He struggled to get the question out, his anger making him see red.

"Near Ascot, on an exit."

"Well, let's go. Have they taken her to the hospital yet?"

The car sped along as Patrick concentrated on the road, failing to compose himself. Fernando's anger grew but his concern for Marietta was crippling it for now.

"Yeah, the hospital in Ascot. She's in surgery. Can you call Steph?" Patrick asked, his voice frantic.

Fernando nodded, grabbed his friends phone and made a quick phone call. Steph became frantic and asked for directions, something he promised he'll send as soon as they get to the hospital. He ended the call and Patrick nodded a terse thanks.

They sped along the highway, the silence tense and anxious. Fernando watched the green scenery flash by. His eyes were open but he wasn't really seeing the scenery. Instead he was seeing her face as Patrick hit her. He could still hear the sound of skin on skin, her gasp loud in the room. 

He couldn't help but ball up his fists as he thought of how angry he actually really felt. His anger had grown exponentially but he knew Marietta needed him to remain calm in the situation.

She needed him.

He brooded, his dark eyes pitch black. Patrick was starting to moan in anguish, as they drove into the hospital parking space and stopped the car. He jumped out the parked car, Fernando waiting for him to run to the building. It was pitch black luckily, so like any mature man, he did what he wanted to do.

He flipped Patrick off and then for extra measure, he kicked the tyre.

He groaned as the pain shot through his leg. He limped to the building, ranting angrily in his home language underneath his breath. He entered the room, not caring that the nurses were staring at him with wide eyes as he stalked past them. He came up to the receptionist, glaring down at the brunette.

"Where is Marietta Smit?" His Spanish accent was pronounced in his haste.

"U-uhm she just got out of surgery. She's currently in the PACU, I recommend waiting in the waiting room. Let me see what room they will put her in." She peeked at the handsome Spaniard over her computer but resumed her search, "306 ward B."

He nodded thanks and left the pretty nurse behind him, her face red and feeling flustered.

He stalked up the corridors, the nurses and doctors moving out of his way. He cut a handsome figure in the sterile corridors and with his brooding baby face; a lot of the nurses went red. He found her room, after walking 10 minutes or so. He opened the door softly, and immediately his temper flared as he saw Patrick next to her bed. The bed was empty; she obviously was still in PACU. He growled and burst through the door.

Patrick whirled around and stared at his friend in astonishment.

"You! You did this to her! She just got out of a life-saving surgery and it was all because of you!" Fernando shouted at the man, walking up to him.

"I know." His admission was soft and fell like a heavy stone in the room.

Fernando growled and lunged at the man, murder on his mind.

For the Love of Football  [Fernando Torres]Where stories live. Discover now